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Everything posted by BevoSwag

  1. https://www.espn.com/college-football/story/_/id/29591566/sources-big-12-approved-scheduling-model-includes-9-conference-games-1-nonconference-game
  2. Time to place puts?
  3. Our students just get out and about more than elsewhere
  4. Here's hoping they mute the music and run scores of other games nonstop.
  5. Did you skip the NYC day?
  6. With Bowlsby it will probably be a best of 5 series between the 1st place team and the last place team.
  7. My in-laws were State Farm adjusters who literally lived in motor coaches for years. They always had heating issues in cold climates and cooling in high humidity areas. Those were not cheap motor coaches either. How many did you own for 12 years and what brand?
  8. As someone who was there in 1954 I would have never imagined. I thought when they installed the upper West we were complete. When the final touches are complete I can only imagine the cost of electricity on game day
  9. So let's do it already. Covid19 is doing it for ya
  10. I like to take that exact trip but I'm too old to go much more than 300 miles per day. How long in hours between points A-B, B-C. C-D, and D-E? That E to G drive has to be a bitch. That's the part I'd like to avoid.
  11. Hey. At least they elected a Democrat as Governor.
  12. Have no clue if this helps as all I can do is change light bulbs... https://www.motorhome.com/img_0078/
  13. Adding to my Rice memories from above post. How could I have forgotten the famous 1954 Cotton Bowl Classic when Dicky Moegle got tackled by a Bama man, Tommie Lewis, who came off the Bama sideline bench to tackle Moegle in the field of play lol. But my all time favorite Rice moment was that November 1957 afternoon when Bear Bryant brought his #1 Texas ags to Rice stadium and lost to Rice 7-6 before 72k, the largest crowd in Texas football history. King Hill led Rice to the stunning win. The following Thanksgiving, DKR upset aggy again making that the final game the aggys were coached by Bear Bryant, who upon losing to us, 9-7 (I could have sworn we won 7-0 but Google says we won 9-7) "the Longhorns hate us more then we hate them" lol as he rode out of town to Bama.
  14. I've gone through eight decades with Rice football. As a youngster in 1950, the year beautiful Rice Stadium opened, I sold cokes in the stand. The Stadium was a gift from Brown and Root and was built in record time between the end of 1949 season and beginning of 1950. At the time, Rice was a powerhouse in football led by Jess Neely who was a thorn in DKR's side for a few years. Rice only cared about three games. They opened every season with the big one, LSU and near capacity crowds of 70k when played every other year in Houston. The biggest two were playing UT and aggy. In those days all Rice/aggy games were played in Rice Stadium. They didn't play in College Station until the late 1960's. When Rice was competitive (Neely won the SWC every four years like clockwork and went to the Cotton Bow) they were a power. When he wasn't in the Cotton Bowl he was in Sugar or Orange. In those days, the jocks didn't have to qualify academically. In the first days of televised games I remember an announcer saying when the Rice band was on the field with the team that over 10% of the entire student body was on the field. Not too many on here will remember when when DKR beat ou in his second year ('58) and came to Rice undefeated but got blind sided by Neely and lost to Rice by four TD's. Then there was 1962 when Rice tied us and LSU. It was the only blemish on our otherwise undefeated season and LSU only lost one game that year. We played LSU that year in the Cotton Bowl. The second most famous aggy game was when the Rice students learned the aggy band marched according to the drum major blowing a whistle. Hundreds of Rice students in the stand brought whistles and the resulting chaos was the aggy band members falling all over themselves, stumbling in formations and running off the field ending the show way early. The other incident was when Rice spoofed the aggys with the MOB playing like drunk aggys in uniform. The Rice band was chased into a food truck by aggy corp members. Fortunately no one was killed like the former riot in Waco. I'll always have a warm spot for Rice in spite of the fact it took DKR four times to finally get a win over Rice in Houston.
  15. If you're in NYC with those Texas license plates I can't wait to hear some of the cat calls from the locals lol.
  16. Another opportunity missed but has a future? ETSY? Made about $300m in mask sales
  17. Little dude already learning :)
  18. Just wait until they file their claims for all of the oil and gas produced from 1860's until 1930's lol. Reparations.
  19. Was this a shot across the bow to the SEC? Is the B1G playing heavy handed in sync with Pac12?
  20. Not scientific opinion/proof. I just recall seeing negative social media posts regarding the Americans which I thought was great.
  21. @Wulaw Horn I'm not sure if this has been mentioned or if interested but I came across this today in the Chronicle. Membership based clubs to save money on nightly campground fees. Escapees RV 15-50% discounts at more than 800 commercial parks. For $44 annually, Passport America offers discounts about 50% offat more than 1800 campgrounds https://www.chron.com/life/article/The-right-way-to-take-an-RV-trip-15385113.php
  22. The Cider House Rules. Wasn't on Netflix and had to pay $4 on Prime. Worth it.
  23. I'm old enough to remember it was two longs and a short and you could listen in on your neighbors phone call
  24. At least the tantrums were out of doors and not within the confines of the motor home
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