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Everything posted by BevoSwag

  1. Elon's tweet was like Wide Right. He was so close to building a balance sheet and could have gone to the bond market to get the pumpkin through the goal posts. Instead...
  2. I did the same a week ago and watched the market climb. I swear the Institutional investors watch my account and act accordingly. I did keep my Mutuals, thankfully.
  3. Congrats to the alum bring whores. Much better than rape.
  4. That was always my argument about CB. See Vince Young
  5. Hear me out. There are vast differences between Bama and UT. The State of Alabama is like the state of oklahoma. They only have two teams as far as residents are concerned. We have four with huge alumni bases and t-shirt fans. Thrown in the tiny base for TCU and Baylor to add a few fans. None of those four fan bases compare to Alabama. They remind me of Arkansas when they were in the SWC. Every barbara shop, beauty shop, restaurant, truck stop and all levels of state government in oklahoma, Arkansas or Alabama talk football endlessly. We lost huge percentages of fan base with pro sports in Dallas and Houston. Texas is much more diversified. All that said aggy has spent more than todays PPP programs and has yet to perform at SEC levels or UT under Brown. I'm no expert on Alabama but I would think if you can walk and chew gum you get admitted to Bama whereas at UT there may be less radical support from today's students.
  6. May ou game will be season's first game?
  7. Or going into the Alumni Center before, during and after the games
  8. LSU was near bankruptcy BEFORE the Covid19 crisis. I can't imagine how bad the finances look today given oil being so low and their state Treasury being depleted.
  9. This a thousand times ^^^^
  10. LSU says come on over. We're playing.
  11. I don't understand your reply. I tried to post in politics but Surly doesn't recognize me as from way back in the early Big 12 days on Horns Fans. I can't post there.
  12. I'd like to hear how the shelter in place and the airlines no longer flying in the atmosphere could or would reduce global warming.
  13. This is 100% inaccurate. Broyles had assurances Texas and aggy would join the Hogs in bolting. Broyles was sick of playing before empty stadiums at Baylor, Rice, TCU and SMU (only exception was cheating years). The rumblings in the Texas Legislature that they would never allow UT and aggy to follow the Hogs ended the plan. It hasn't been a total failure. They still get a ton of money, expanded their stadium from 40k to 70k. Their share of SEC money is larger than any Big 12 teams share of money.
  14. What's really cool is having a big supper at one of the nice restaurants and then taking the boat to the stadium. We did that several years ago when LSU played UW.
  15. Great idea for halftime at the Tech game
  16. That's one more then I can give, unfortunately. What gives here? Yeah it says I registered yesterday but the fact is I've been around since the days of the original Big12 boards.
  17. Did you see them Saturday? They appeared to be nearly all Asian and had fearsome instruments like violins and cellos lol. Highly talented no doubt and entertaining.
  18. Every large NCAA sporting event Forum has the same complaint over and over and it is never addressed by the AD. Get rid of the loud music and let the band play. Why is this so damned difficult to understand? I'm told it is for the team and not the fans but I seriously doubt they are waiting for their "favorite number" to be played. At least have the guts to tell everyone why they refuse to address the situation.
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