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Everything posted by BevoSwag

  1. @Nice Guy Eddie I simply disconnect my Ruku from the cable box. I only connect the cable box on those rare moments I use the Roku TV. It is simple to do. Just unplug and lay aside. @Sam Lin I totally agree. Also of note I am nearing the end of my two year contract during September. I think they just want me to give them more money. I rarely if ever watch TV since sports are no longer interesting or really available. I wouldn't feel so gipped if they would just allow me to see how much usage I've done on daily basis. That seems only fair if they want to bill you on usage basis.
  2. [/https://twitter.com/realjameswoods/status/1300540734483738625 OK. It failed. How do I post something from Twitter ??
  3. @Hurtlocker: Tip of my hat to McDonalds. I just read today they fired the head of HR recently after the had already fired the Chairman.
  4. For years I have had the cheapest service Xfinity offers regarding data. Yesterday I got a notice that I had used 92% of my data allowance and should buy the higher program. All the Xfinity App offers is total usage. April, May, June were way less than 500GB which would be normal over the last two years. July spiked to 786GB and August jumped again to 1.137 GB. I went to the Xfinity (Comcast) Forums and they had numerous posts just like my issue but Xfinity closed the Forum stating they didn't have time to answer general questions. I looked at the Xfinity WiFi App they told me to use but that doesn't give me a daily usage, just a bar graph that really tells me nothing. We have a lot of connections, 2 iPhones, 3 computers which are on about 12 hours a day, 1 iPad which is only on occasionally, Rain Bird controller which uses nothing, Ring Camera which uses nothing and Nest Thermostats. None of those were added in the last two years. Nothing changed. We did binge watch two years of Yellowstone during July. Would that account for the increase in data usage??? Would 24 hours of streaming account for that much increase in GB usage??? Apparently they have already reset my account to zero even though it probably should have run through midnight tonight.
  5. If Baylor is the only University in the Big 12 to not allow the sale of alcohol in their stadium they are toast in realignment. Normal people won't put up with that.
  6. @Murfdogg21 I'm sure your little pal enjoyed every minute of his time with you and your family. He died happy. It is always so hard to lose a pet. I usually go about three years after we lose one before I dare try and get one again. Over my many many decades I have had at least six or seven absolutely wonderful pets. Each one is better but you'll always have a warm spot for all the previous ones.
  7. Just once I'd wish these types of cuts would begin with HR and all the worthless fucks in that department. These are the guys who go out and pay through the nose for a survey that shows executive pay up by xx % so lets do it one % better.
  8. @Wally Fairway I am a novice in option markets. Back in May I bought 3 Nov 15 puts (Leaps). My thinking was the credit industry was going to hell with the financial crisis. I wasn't aware the Fed was going to bomb the nation from shore to shore to shore with dollars. My loss today stands at 92%. Your strategy on Index Leaps is probably better than select stocks.
  9. If Laura is half the hurricane they predict the insurance and re-insurance companies are going to take a huge hit. If one of these storms ever hits Miami directly insurance would probably go bust. I don't know how the Miami area has dodged the storms over the last few decades. This thing looks like a hurrinado
  10. Well DAMN!!! I agree with you it is best to head home, hopefully uneventfully . Piss on Nebraska a lot on the way back.
  11. Here is the part I do not understand and why the market keeps going up while facts indicate otherwise. I realize the Houston Chronicle is a pay site but I can cut and paste a few paragraphs. Yes, Houston downtown is a ghost town. Hotels and restaurants are going under. It is easy to blame the energy sector but it is the same in NYC. I'm wondering if things are greener in Dallas, LA. Chicago and other metro areas. https://www.houstonchronicle.com/business/article/COVID-pandemic-downtown-houston-tx-ghost-town-15498630.php
  12. https://www.fidelity.com/trading/fractional-shares?imm_pid=700000001008518&immid=100758&imm_eid=ep51628056878&gclid=EAIaIQobChMI1c2DkI6v6wIVqvfjBx3RugxMEAAYASABEgJYQvD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds
  13. Sold my 100 shares April 20th. About $279. Sold Tesla in the low $200's. Two worst trades of my life.
  14. @Wulaw Horn Have you checked in on the status of repairs to your RV being done in Mass? With the way your luck is running this week you have possibly overlooked keeping tabs on repairman.
  15. A grandchild in their 40s? You could give armybrat a run. He's a young pup compared to me.
  16. Got any openings for a 40 something grandson Mechanical Engineer . Congrats on the new place.
  17. I'm not certain who the duckee is here .
  18. I trying to imagine how loud that is going to be for those sitting right below in the outdoor bleachers :).
  19. Damn. Our grandson lost his job last Friday too. This is the second time for him in twenty years. The last time he just said to hell with it and went around the world for two years before settling into the second job three years ago. You are the modern day version of The Oregon Trail. Keep on trucking and never look back :). Great to hear wife is in good spirits. That always helps instead of having someone say "I told ya so".
  20. @Wulaw Horn Where are you these days? North Dakota? Wyoming? Montana?
  21. @Caddox I'd be surprised if the Networks have any spare change lying around this year.
  22. @utee94 A little history refresher. Back in the day Arkansas's biggest rival was Ole Miss. Frank Broyles arrived in Fayetteville in 1958. He surmised that Texas would never be the Hog fans biggest rival as long as Ole Miss was on the schedule. He took a lot of heat when he dropped Ole Miss from their future schedules. I never really knew if Royal was interested in the SEC but for certain Arkansas left feeling certain aggy and the Horns would follow. Broyles was unhappy with the private schools at that time (SMU on Death Penalty, Baylor, Rice and TCU) because of their lack of a fan base and low attendance. He wanted to play in a conference dominated by state universities. I miss Arkansas simply because it was always fun to have a huge visiting fan base to taunt and exchange shit with every year. Basketball too. In Royal's best years the back to back game schedule with zero U and Arkansas the following week were killers but he usually won both.
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