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Everything posted by BevoSwag

  1. I was in a shitty trailer in Webb County observing a frac job. Couldn't believe what I was hearing over the radio. Sad day.
  2. My final comment on Nebraska. They are sinking. Let them drown. No Big12 life preserver.
  3. They learned from zero u after being pushed around for decades.
  4. Has there been a bigger disaster for any teams looking for greener pastures? Nebraska, Colorado, Missouri, Arkansas and aggy? No way Colorado even followed the money. They lost money. Nebraska, Missouri and Arkansas added funds but at what price?
  5. 25% attendance for that game is going to be so weird. Talk about pressure to get tickets. Maybe limit it to students only? Insane.
  6. Something in common. My mother rode her horse from the farm in Missouri to the only school available to them in 1919. My paternal grandparents lived in a sod house in the Texas Panhandle near the Oklahoma line. I still remember the party line telephone. Two longs and a short lol. My grandparents thought they had it made when the phone company reached the farm.
  7. @gmr548 https://www.washingtonpost.com/weather/2020/08/11/derecho-chicago-midwest-iowa-storm/
  8. Let's remember what happened to Big Red. Diploma check at the door upon entrance to the Big 12 began their slide to the bottom. You had to have a HS diploma and some sort of academic "enrollment" to play. They ran away and the final touches to an also ran was finished by the B1G.
  9. Some things are going right, Wulaw Horn. You were able to get out of eastern Dakota's and Iowa/Illinois before last nights land hurricane. Winds of 100 mph and RV's aren't made for each other.
  10. My AU futures went into the shiter today too so that is all I have to offer
  11. $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ and a helluva lot of us fans that wanna watch
  12. He just got bullied by the balls by the B1G lol
  13. Does she not like Silver? AGQ down almost 28% this afternoon.
  14. @cdain3 OMG. NO! NO! NO!
  15. Maybe Oregon although they usually quack when the big one comes.
  16. Ban those 3 . I'd be surprised if any of the 4 Texas schools vote not to play, you know both okies are on board as is WVA. I'd find it hard to believe ISU or KSU would not be on board.
  17. Many many years ago I read an article that on paper shorted Cramer's recommendations and bought his pans. On paper the guy came out way ahead of Cramers return lol.
  18. @Enchubben You're asking the right questions. My first build here in Houston was 1969/spring 1970. Two story, 2200 Sq Ft. Moved in early April 1970. Imagine my surprise when I found upstairs bedrooms hot as hell already in April. Only one unit was placed for the entire home. Of course we were only worried about the jacked up prices of wood shingles. Was $10/sq and became $12/sq. LOL. It was a great neighborhood. Sad to see it flooded in Harvey.
  19. Amazing. Klatt was on The Herd today and everything was lovie dovie.
  20. That Bowlsby is an idiot
  21. That seems like how long the last two minutes of basketball are played be it NCAA or Pros.
  22. I don't give a rats what the B1G decides to do. Just have fingers crossed Big12 and SEC show up.
  23. You fell for it. Riley just got his team a lot of extra practice no one else was getting lol.
  24. Shocked I tell ya. Shocked
  25. Calling all stats folks. Is he correct about the percentage decline? I think we all know we do not have a balanced recovery in the market.
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