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GTX Horn

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Everything posted by GTX Horn

  1. As much as I dislike Garrett, firing him now and promoting Richard to Interim HC could lead to him getting the permanent HC job and continuation of the status quo. Cut bait at the end of the season go for a complete coaching reboot.
  2. Maybe they should be working smarter, not harder.
  3. What has Hand done to warrant another year? His group has regressed big-time throughout the season. He shouldn't be safer than other assistants just because his contract runs through the 2020 season.
  4. He said that after the surgery? He must've still been under the influence of anesthetics.
  5. At least that means Herman won't just promote him to OC. If we want real change on the offensive staff we need to bring in coaches outside of the program.
  6. Ravioli is his favorite Thanksgiving food? That should've been a red flag right there.
  7. That’s what I thought. I was more concerned with the possibility of big offensive staff changes affecting Bijan Robinson or JQJ’s commitments. But that being said you have to balance recruiting ability with coaching ability. It doesn’t matter how great the players you recruit are if the coaches aren’t able to put them in positions to be successful and can’t develop them.
  8. How does NSD1 affect these types of potential staff changes? Would those happen after NSD1 or after the game against Tech?
  9. "First downs are hard." - Tom Herman, probably
  10. Tom's wearing that short-sleeved windbreaker he wore most of last season. We got this
  11. Whoa, what a catch!
  12. Finally got around to listening to the whole PC. I wish the question about offensive gameplanning would've gone one step further and talked about the playcalling process in games. I'm sure it's been discussed already but there's an issue with having "too many cooks in the kitchen" so to speak with regards to the offense. That doesn't excuse the playcalling tendencies and tipping plays, but definitely an issue. I'm stating the obvious at this point but we need an OC dedicated to playcalling in games, not this playcalling by committee bullshit
  13. With these muffed punts I'm not sure if I'm watching a Chiefs-Chargers game or a Texas game
  14. I typically don't get annoyed by "coach speak" as much as others do, but the whole "go 1-0 against (insert team name)" is beyond annoying and stupid.
  15. "Longhorn Nation, We're baaaaaaack (to the Texas Bowl)"
  16. The Pirate vs. Orlan_o? Please no Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  17. Has Jake Smith been in at all today? I don’t recall seeing him yet
  18. Well we haven’t muffed a punt yet. So there’s that.
  19. After Rudolph’s performance last night I’m not sure what would be a bigger punishment for the Steelers: Rudolph not being suspended and still playing or him actually being suspended and missing a game.
  20. Reading through that hurts my head. The mental gymnastics they will go to in order to defend MG is insane. They really are something else. I'd have no problem calling out a Longhorn that did something like that.
  21. Actual exchange from yesterday's post-game presser: Reporter: "Do you think there is a systemic problem on your team?" Kitchens: "I'm not smart enough to understand what you said."
  22. I don’t think this is what Booger McFarland had in mind when he said Myles Garrett needed to develop a signature move in order to be considered for DPOY a few weeks ago
  23. Just as I was about to book my Texas Bowl reservations. Shit
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