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GTX Horn

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Everything posted by GTX Horn

  1. Which Play-by-Play team is calling the game tomorrow?
  2. "Wait till next year!!" - aggy every year since 1939
  3. Amazon needs to quit replaying that over and over in slow mo. Jeez. Poor guy.
  4. If guys like Ed O and Gene Chizik can catch lightning in a bottle and win a championship, so can Sark. Equally below average head coaches with a history of sucking at previous stops have pulled great seasons out of their ass. I’m not saying I expect him to win championships here, although I certainly hope he does, but if he’s able to hold on to this recruiting class and keep stacking talent, he’ll be ok.
  5. Sadly idk if this one even cracks top 10 embarrassing losses to me in the past 10 years when you count the BYU, Maryland, and Kansas losses along with the 2015 Texas Bowl, 2016 Notre Dame, and I’m sure a few others.
  6. LOL @Mizzou
  7. What is Harsin doing???
  8. He looks like Kip from Napoleon Dynamite
  9. Tim DeRuyter is known for coaching dirty defenses anyway so absolutely nothing would surprise me
  10. Rod is good all things considered. Guys like Hastings, Hardge, and sometimes Jeff Howe are the ones who make the station unlistenable at times. Rod was much better when he had a solo show and didn’t have someone like Hardge interrupting his flow and adding asinine and ill-informed takes.
  11. Yeah, I’m sure Chris Beard the basketball coach is helping us game plan and prepare for a football game against Texas Tech.
  12. New trailer dropped yesterday.
  13. I frankly could not care less about TCU. They are way down the totem pole. Aggy and Baylor are definitely at top. Tech is a distant 3rd. Tech at least knows their place in the pecking order. Aggy pretends that they are on our level when in reality they are a distant second to us in both athletics and academics.
  14. It’s remarkable that Ewers is likely going to play just 2 weeks after a hit that at the time it happened looked like it could be a broken clavicle. The dude is a stud.
  15. It’s a good thing this is a 2:30 kick instead of a night game. Maybe it’s Arkansas PTSD from last year but I’d be incredibly nervous having Card start a night game on the road in a rowdy environment.
  16. This feels like one of those games that a Tom Herman team would’ve taken to the final possession and possibly lost or last year’s team would’ve definitely lost. It still feels like a good win all things considered and we’re seeing a lot of progress so far this year.
  17. I also seem to recall them hitting Card when he was sliding too that should’ve been a penalty and was closer to targeting that the call on Overshown. That was a bad missed call considering what they flagged Overshown for.
  18. Very similar experience here, too. The tickets my friend gave me ended up being basically right next to the defacto UTSA student section. I also had some older UTSA alums behind me. They were a mouthy little bunch. One dumbfuck said they were going to score a TD next time they got the ball after the UTSA TD that was overturned after a review because “the ball don’t lie.” Then naturally Barron got the pick 6 and promptly shut their asses up.
  19. Went to my first game since Herman’s first year and there were two big things that stuck out. First, the new PA system is terrible. It’s abrasively loud. Much worse than I remember it being a few years ago. Second, what is the point of having a band in the stands if they don’t play during breaks? Every commercial break or timeout was just piped in club songs. Not really any Texas Fight chants either. No Bob Cole was nice though.
  20. Nebraska is so shitty they made Gus sick. Klatt is easily one of the best in the business. He’s already a great analyst, but I’ve been really impressed with him doing play-by-play, too.
  21. Amazingly the Yell Practice isn’t even the stupidest part of that commercial. The shot of Jimbo at the end is so fucking ridiculous. Showing a slimy, mediocre football coach isn’t the positive reflection on their university that they think it is.
  22. Weigman would be better off dropping football to focus on baseball than playing behind that O-Line
  23. He could be charged with deadly conduct for this stunt. Fisher needs to sit down and talk with him about how dangerous that was. He could’ve easily killed someone and effectively ended his own future as well. But I think we all know that neither of those are likely to happen.
  24. The kid is doing his damndest to add Vehicular Manslaughter to the list of reasons this class will fall apart
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