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GTX Horn

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Everything posted by GTX Horn

  1. Apparently Austin Radio Network wants to expand its coverage of local high school sports, so Trey was fired because he had no interest in covering high school sports.
  2. Hardge is awful. He has awful takes and constantly sidetracks Rod right when he’s on a roll. I’ve given up on listening past Craig’s show because of how hard Trey and Hardge are (or were in Trey’s case) to listen to on their respective shows.
  3. For real. Nothing made me switch channels quicker than that segment. Generally speaking Trey seemed out of his element talking sports and frankly I had to quit listening because he’d gotten intolerable.
  4. People complaining about only us a&m being the only school systems with access to PUF funds totally miss the mark because the truth is the state has way too many university systems in the first place. There’s no good reason for the state to have 7 (I think?) university systems. We need serious consolidation in the state’s higher education systems. It’ll be interesting to see what happens with SFA since they’re considering joining a university system. I believe Texas Tech’s Chancellor is an SFA grad, so I wouldn’t be surprised if they joined the Texas Tech system.
  5. Too bad the USFL didn’t bring back the San Antonio Gunslingers. That would have been the perfect fit for him.
  6. They completely missed a golden opportunity to have a David Cross cameo as Frightened Inmate #2. SMH.
  7. a&m being a bigger national brand than Texas is certainly an interesting take.
  8. All I could think about when they showed that was the Mesa Verde commercials Saul made in season 5. ”I went to the bank to open my safety deposit box and this man was standing there with his pants down. Bare genitals!” “YUP!”
  9. I think the idea with the flash forward scene at the end of episode 9 right after they break up that shows Saul in his gaudy mansion with a hooker is supposed to be the first day he didn’t think about Kim and all the shit that went down with Lalo and Howard. I believe the director of that episode commented on Twitter that that scene was set in 2007.
  10. Loved the detail of the reflection of the Better Call Saul commercial being in color on Gene’s glasses when he saw what Marion was watching on her computer. I also noticed that the bank statement for the cancer guy showed that he had roughly $737,000 in his bank account, which was the same number Walt said he needed early in Breaking Bad. I’m sure there’s a lot more nuggets I didn’t catch but those were the 2 that stood out to me. Personally I thought this was the best episode of the season.
  11. Perhaps this episode will be a Kim-centric one?
  12. Wow. Just wow. Those flashbacks were perfectly done
  13. I always thought “Nippy” was a reference to Saul getting involved with Walt and Jesse since the dessert was freezing when he’s kidnapped (at least behind the scenes it was). Obviously my theory about last week’s episode being BB-era based on the title was wrong. This week’s episode is titled “Breaking Bad” I believe so that combined with the “nippy” reference in the Tweet could be indicative of a Walt and Jesse appearance or another headfake
  14. Why are you framing it as if Gene has only had a few days to observe Marian’s routine? The implication from Gene and Jeff’s first conversation in the episode was that if Jeff was going to turn in Gene, he would have done so already and that Jeff was trying to leverage the relationship so he could get in on “the game.” Gene could’ve had more than just a couple of days to observe her routine. All that being said, it’s also a tv show in which a fast food chain manager builds an underground industrial methlab, yet you’re concerned about how Gene knew Marian’s routine? That’s far from the biggest reality check in the Breaking Bad universe.
  15. I posted this in another BCS thread, but the Texas-Nebraska game in 2010 was on October 16. Then the Ok State-Nebraska game (I think that was the last one they mentioned?) was on October 23. In the flash forward cold opening of “Quite a Ride,” Saul tells Franchesca to answer a phone call on November 12 at “3 on the dot.” So based on this timeline, maybe we’ll find out what that call was about next week.
  16. Who here had Texas Football getting a shoutout on their BCS Bingo Card?
  17. That clown didn’t call shit. He threw shit against the wall and it stuck for once. Just for reference, he claimed last year that the Texas Legislature would block us going to the SEC and then when the Big 12 was on shaky ground before they added at AAC teams and BYU, he claimed West Virginia was having discussions with the B1G and that the conference was really impressed with the academic progress WVU had made (LOL). He’s an idiot just like Geoff Swaim or whoever that Okie State realignment clown is.
  18. How old is Wade Phillips now? Seems like I nice retirement gig
  19. I don’t know that any of the details of her leaving are necessarily assumed. There’s some vagueness over what exactly happened (did her and Jimmy stay married for spousal privilege purpose?) that I’m sure they’ll clarify in the last few episodes.
  20. I’m pretty sure one of the photos of Howard at the reception at HHM was a photo Patrick Fabian had posted on Instagram with Tony Dalton and they just cropped Tony out of it. Given the context of the situation and Howard’s death that was amusing to me.
  21. The handicap tag he put on his rearview mirror said 2008 I believe. He also mentioned a public masturbator on the phone which is what he originally got Badger mixed up as in his first episode in Breaking Bad.
  22. No wonder Saul is so jaded in Breaking Bad. Jeez.
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