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GTX Horn

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Everything posted by GTX Horn

  1. We should’ve been doing that last season. Never understood why we never tried any double passes or Wildcat pass plays with RoJo
  2. A deleted scene with Batman visiting the Joker for insight on Riddler was released today:
  3. Raining pretty heavily here in North Georgetown now
  4. Evidently the original script had Maul as the main villain of the show with no Vader.
  5. I saw it yesterday and thought it was solid. Everything a Batman movie should be. It did start to drag about 2/3 of the way through but overall it was an enjoyable flick. Several minor nitpicks: I didn’t care for Pattinson as Bruce Wayne nor did I like the portrayal of his relationship with Alfred. Im also not a fan of them teasing the Joker already. I hope the next movie deals with someone different like Hush or Hugo Strange. Maybe the next one takes influence from Silence of the Lambs where Batman gets insight from Riddler or Joker to take down the next villains? Idk, totally just spitballing there. I thought they were setting up that kid from the street gang that was about to be forced to mugging the guy from the train as a Robin but I guess not. I’d like to see them incorporate Nightwing or Robin in future movies because that’s a character that’s never been given justice in live-action format.
  6. GTX Horn


    Last year for Lent I tried giving up procrastinating but I just kept putting it off
  7. Ukrainians need to sabotage the Russians food and drink supplies with a bunch of Turbolax. They can’t conquer Kiev if they’ve all got the shits.
  8. There’s been a rumor floating for the last few months that he has Parkinson’s which can also be accompanied by hallucinations and dementia
  9. I love the mental image of an average Joe being handed a gun on the street and immediately one-shotting a Russian paratrooper out of the sky. Ukrainians are badasses.
  10. Putin tried to take out Surly for a hot minute?
  11. Looks like XFL is partnering with the NFL. XFL is basically gonna be a guinea pig for the NFL to test out new rules and safety procedures.
  12. RIP Craig. Sounds like a helluva guy. Sorry for your loss, Doc. Hoping you find peace in this difficult time.
  13. I also seem to remember the LSU game not even being as close as the score indicates either. Chavis had their offense totally figured out from what I recall.
  14. Maybe a prostitute going into his room and shit got really kinky?
  15. Defensive hold????? WTF
  16. Caught him at the Dell Diamond of all places a few years ago. Great show even though the crowd was lame
  17. Another victim of inflation
  18. Rusty Mansell is really going out on a limb there
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