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Everything posted by DaggerHorns

  1. Needs a similar solution for an inflatable doll. A real woman deflates when you don’t pay too.
  2. This all makes sense now. -Microsoft “XBox”
  3. I have to admit, that’s pretty cool. A player that’s bad at life paired with a school that’s bad at life. Juwanna play for the Vols?
  4. I’m contemplating a sex change and moving to Seattle. Or I could just try to bag Melinda.
  5. When was the last time a SINGLE school took credit for everything their Power 5 conference accomplished? Asking for Billy Liucci.
  6. Sajak just isn’t saying shit like this:
  7. Call your dad and tell him you love him, it’s ok.
  8. He’s such a little pussy. He doesn’t even get along with his own family.
  9. Everyone in this thread needs a cigarette and Bud Light Clamato.
  10. What the fuck! Why am I watching half naked people hug each other in anger?
  11. That was very entertaining and fun to watch. I watched the Kentucky/Washington before the Texas game. We have a whole other level of talent and skill than Kentucky. The tower will be lit Saturday!
  12. It’s about time you joined us degenerates, you beautiful bastard.
  13. I’ll be doing a south end zone tour prior to the game... ....because I’m more important than all of you.
  14. Only time I’ve been in Minnesota was a connecting flight. I didn’t know Derek or George. I bet if they met each other at a bar during the early 90s, they probably wouldn’t have much problem with each other.
  15. A regular dickhead, eh?
  16. Finally by post 25, someone mentioned Thoughts and Prayers. It gets funnier everytime!!!!
  17. Here’s precisely how we do it. Delete Facebook and Instagram. It’s fucking worthless. A fucking nerd owns owns the biggest social platforms. It spreads horrible news and conspiracies founded in lunacy. When your neighbor fucks up, talk to him. Don’t post it on NextDoor. When a shooting happens focus on the victims and their families don’t mention the shooter at all. Don’t hold him up high and put his name in the history books. When some racist fuck goes on a tirade, don’t give him a voice. Don’t retweet him. Tell him he’s a twat to his face and punch him in the face. His statement will die right there. Lastly, I’ll continue to post this video as it’s completely accurate. Disciplina Praesidium Civitatis!!!!!! Understand what that really means. It is motherfucking true! /end rant
  18. Roger Ebert offers an explanation years ago: The reporter looked disappointed, so I offered her my theory. “Events like this,” I said, “if they are influenced by anything, are influenced by news programs like your own. When an unbalanced kid walks into a school and starts shooting, it becomes a major media event. Cable news drops ordinary programming and goes around the clock with it. The story is assigned a logo and a theme song; these two kids were packaged as the Trench Coat Mafia. The message is clear to other disturbed kids around the country: If I shoot up my school, I can be famous. The TV will talk about nothing else but me. Experts will try to figure out what I was thinking. The kids and teachers at school will see they shouldn’t have messed with me. I’ll go out in a blaze of glory.” Unfortunately, our society celebrates shootings with more attention, coverage, and thought than any major sports championship. Shooters want attention and they get it. We click on articles, turn on TVs, text our friends about and....post it on message boards for discussion. Sadly, there are numerous types of negative events that the press and social media love, and we eat it immediately. Imagine if we had a world where more positivity and logic controlled the media and social media.
  19. Sondra Wiener?
  20. If I had the headset in the second half, we would’ve won the conference. We were one possession away on each conference loss. Run Bijan, run the clock, win.
  21. Boston College now practicing abstinence....cool.
  22. These rules are so gay.
  23. Just when I think we have achieved peak laziness, there’s a new bar set.
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