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Everything posted by DaggerHorns

  1. Whatever the case, it’s always nice to see massive press coverage so the audience intended is way larger than the graffiti’s immediate area. This gives hate a voice. You could always clean it up and never give it any attention but that would be sensible.
  2. Are you saying it’s this guy on public record?
  3. ....not with the sheep.
  4. How would we have argued about the simplicity of poker?
  5. ^^This. Porn is accessible on your phone, tablet, etc. Be more resourceful...
  6. Since we’re in CR now, I wanted to make sure ya’ll had some more data to argue about. Four Disparities that Explain Racial Disparities in Home Ownership
  7. Needs more Beard hype.
  8. Sounds like he ran out of gas....hit the brakes.
  9. The cosmos, you silly fuck!
  10. You are correct sir. I’ve been saying this for quite some time. Media is the root of division. Some are able to figure this out while the rest will exacerbate it on their FB feed.
  11. When you get made fun of confidently by a guy missing multiple teeth, you’ve hit a whole different level in life.
  12. We need to hire Jimmy Valvano to match the pulse of our program.
  13. The only thing that Miami is missing is Carson Daly, Tara Reid, Pauly Shore and about 3 wild ass weeks on TRL.
  14. Check out this dumbass motherfucker. He comes in all talking like he’s supposed to be intelligent. He’s bitching about the place he lives in and there’s a whole gang of dudes that just makes him shut the fuck up. At one point he tries to justify his smooth brained nonsense but continues to look like a complete fuckwad. LINK
  15. Attracting or wanting a top tier basketball coach is just unreasonable for a school known for swimming and diving.
  16. Coach to the level of talent you have. Its that easy. ACU is fucking horrible, undersized and can’t shoot.
  17. Good to see you’re serious about being serious. My favorite part was when you were talking about “swimming in a deep ocean.” I apologize for ruining your weekend.
  18. This is the most intelligent, informative and enlightening thread I’ve been able to observe. Just to make sure that everyone doesn’t miss it: 1) Malik should be a running back 2) Lets compare Foreman and Dickson (a RB and a world class punter) to a LB 3) All talent translates from high school directly to NFL 4) Charlie Strong was also a Baylor rape victim
  19. I really like this. Just a tinge more ‘pregnant lady in a headlock’ and we’ve got it.
  20. Charlie Strong, Major Applewhite, Cleve Bryant
  21. You’re spot on. At some point the parents need to realize how responsible they are for the youth in America. My best friends happens to be a special needs teacher. I had to fill out and pass an extensive background check for adopting a dog. You don’t have to do anything to have a child.
  22. This is going to take something very progressive, suitable for all and extremely unique. Marc Rebillet is someone that we can use. I’ll let you have a little sample of what I believe stands above the rest of these mainstream, simple minded suggestions. Join me in celebrating Marc as he answers this special request for artistry.
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