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Everything posted by DaggerHorns

  1. Brace yourselves. Monday will be a doozy!
  2. Beyond Meat absolutely crushed it yesterday when it went public. https://www.marketwatch.com/story/beyond-meat-soars-163-in-biggest-popping-us-ipo-since-2000-2019-05-02 Beyond Meat soars 163% in biggest-popping U.S. IPO since 2000
  3. Big news for aggy! Whoop! https://www.bloomberg.com/view/articles/2019-05-03/shares-soar-beyonce-yet-adidas-plays-it-safe
  4. He’s definitely nailed some on a ranch before.
  5. I wish to god that my grandfather did shit like this.
  6. He doesn’t fuck as many chicks as Dinklage.
  7. So Dallas is 2-1 right?
  8. ...with zero titles during the facemask era.
  9. “Scatlord” I can’t stop laughing at that.
  10. Will do. I’ll let you know when it doesn’t work out. Until then, I’ll keep using my “reasoning.”
  11. ...but my lights are fully functional and my inspection and registration is valid. Please respect my preference for transportation of illegal drugs across state lines. Given the amount of reward points I currently have, further discussion may eventually sway me toward flying. Furthermore, no swine will be able search my vehicle no matter what.
  12. Yeah, I have friends that fly. I get what you’re saying. I do think it’s a good method. I just think if you drive the speed limit, no one ever touches you.
  13. Less risk flying? When I drive, I don’t go through any scanners or bag check....or the possibility of a random search. Tell him your dealer Scooter. You’re obviously smoking something good.
  14. Drive to Colorado. I have a number of dealers I can recommend there.
  15. Get a pager.
  16. That started on page 1... ...of the old site.
  17. Guy was a total bad ass. I’ll never understand how someone that large could jump so high and block so many kicks.
  18. Just as I expected, she’s fat.
  19. “Players will not be allowed to deliver a blind-side block by attacking an opponent with forcible contact.“ The way I read it is that you can’t Quan Cosby them, but if you set more of a pick that wouldn’t be “attacking.” You’re not going to just get a penalty for a block but big 12 refs will inevitably fuck this up.
  20. I would like to hear Secrant after Woodward’s comments. I always enjoy their beloved brethren poking the resident conference dorks.
  21. Banks and casinos have been doing it for years. The cameras create an algorithm for your face so if you ever appear again after cheating/robbing then it creates a notification. Its a little different in the sense that it’s facial recognition and not watching exactly what you’re looking at.
  22. My first semester as well. I remember it being horrible all around. The driver was remorseful and went on to talk about life in prison. It ruined many lives. Seeing her face so many times on ads, commercials, websites definitely had an effect. My Longhorn buddies and I talked about her from time to time and always thought about the perspectives of the driver, Jacqui, or the deceased’s family. It also always reminded me of the painted memorial on S Lamar right south of 5th. “Don’t drink and drive, you might kill someone’s kid.”
  23. I hate that stretch. Driven it for years going out to a ranch in Henly, TX . Only driving it sporadically, I’ve seen shit like this all the time. It just sucks. Given the amount of stupid fuckers that like to fiddle with their phones, it makes it that much worse.
  24. Today: Pinterest Hookipa Pharma Aqua America Zoom Video Communications
  25. Lulz at depending on our criminal laws and/or justice system. Anyone can name many people that got away with shit and we’re clearly guilty.
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