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Everything posted by DaggerHorns

  1. As if you’d have to force him to fellate something…
  2. Thank you for your question. I got this. Assume Austin is central Texas. Draw a line north and south (up and down) with one of your crayons. Be sure to use a dark one so that it shows up good on your map in your social studies book. Go ahead and assume everything right of the line is “East” and assume everything left of the line is “West.” Now, find Commerce, TX. Is Commerce, right if the line or left of the line? Answer key: Commerce is right of the line. This makes it on the “East” half of Texas.
  3. I wouldn’t call it “playing.”
  4. I woke me up just before 5am this morning, and like many of you, I was just now able to stop crying.
  5. After the Mizzou BarStool Tweet… Unoriginal plagiaristic fucks
  6. …and the massive bulge in his/her (they/them) crotch.
  7. Did you’re dad tell you any other surprises later in life?
  8. Embarrassment used to mean that you didn’t want to share it with the world…
  9. Haha, there was no scoring in the 4th quarter at all.
  10. It’s scary that what he said would be a great start on becoming successful. That school culture will never change their ways which will keep them forever entrenched in mediocrity. I be always said the biggest difference is that we lose one game and we want to burn down the school and fire everyone. They lose 4 games and keep themselves ranked as the greatest program of all time which keeps them content; forever crippling their pursuit of greatness. It’s beautiful.
  11. The only time the action photo on the IPhone comes in use. It will be perfect for Favre’s shaky dick pics.
  12. It really is. We have the last 3 playing on Sundays now while guys like Evan Stewart transferred.
  13. This is where they are incredibly stupid. Whether it was Colin Klein’s Heisman finalist season or the season where he was an actual OC,…….they had a fucking running QB offense!!! So they hire him and they all decide that they are running a pocket passer offense? Now after an injury they actually see light when they have a running QB in an offense designed for a running QB. I can’t fathom why these coaches get millions, the administration hires Klein and all of the sudden they find success with a running QB.
  14. I heard he got gonorrhea from a collie.
  15. Between, “who the fuck ranked KU” and this thread, I just feel like our voices aren’t being heard as a below average, low IQ sports fans website.
  16. Yeah, if you have to fill all of those jars of jizz, you’re bound to have an issue.
  17. And younger than the average surly poster lover.
  18. I’m usually done fucking at 3:30am, not starting to fuck that early.
  19. This couldn’t be said better. It’s ok for everyone to acknowledge that both of them acting very poorly. Not every issue and every thing has one side to it. You posed the question “what if they were really really kind to each other?” This would have completely changed everything. Pig: “Hey, I understand you were speeding, you’re going to get a ticket and we’ll send you on your way.” Tyreek: “yeah, bruh, I was trying to get away from my 7 baby mamas and I have a game to get to” Pig: “sounds good, here’s your ticket.” Peace…
  20. I went to the Colosseum when Texas played USC and it was fun. It wasn’t an NFL game. That’s the key.
  21. Agreed. It definitely sounded like dad and brother were perving hard on him.
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