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Everything posted by DaggerHorns

  1. Nothing says “TEAM” more than telling a band not to play the fifth song and play his son’s rap song. This family is so pretentious and selfish. https://brobible.com/sports/article/deion-sanders-colorado-band-fight-song-shedeur-touchdowns/ “Deion isn’t the only person trying to phase out college bands, however. Florida State dealt with a similar controversy recently when it tried to stop its band from playing the famed “War Chant” on third downs. Though at least the Noles didn’t try to replace it with a rap song made by the coach’s son.”
  2. I bet they always screw up and get 2 left pillows instead of getting one left, one right, etc.
  3. You’re right, your one feeble minded criticism is valid. You’re smarter than one of the greatest minds in college football. We should’ve played Manning all game you brain dead Neanderthal. When you’re done beating off over Notre Dame’s offense, apply for a job. Try not to suck some BlowU’s guy’s dick on your way home.
  4. Take a long walk into Lake Erie you jizz mop fucktard. Try not to steal any road signs on your way. We just waltzed into the “Little House” and skull fucked your mother in front of all of your friends. I guess it wasn’t enough to taste Vince Young’s balls slapping off of your chin. I hope you enjoyed watching our 4th string RB sodomize that soft defense of yours while he walked in for 6 points. Die in a fire. Quit cheating. Blow blue
  5. I’m sure it’s been mentioned here but I watched the Netflix series “Turning Point, The Bomb and The Cold War.” It goes through the whole Russian history, WW2, Communisom, the Cold War and how the Oligarchs got set up. Its a great series and pretty insane how all of it came to be with Putin. He was just a below average KGB guy close to the Berlin Wall and now he’s probably the wealthiest guy in the world. Putin has always had the most delusional priorities for himself and Russia that make no sense in the grand scheme of economics, functional society and rationalism. He’s a true psychopath and I can’t wait until they blow his head off. I don’t see any way that he dies of natural causes.
  6. New aggy hashtag. Gang bang in a pasture #gbiap
  7. Agreed, it’s amazing. The other part of that is we were literally the first stadium in the nation to play that song at a game. But they also copied us on the “T” on hats, “Texas” on baseball jerseys and the actual cannon we fire in our stadium…oh and our one NIL fund structure, and a thousand other things. They sure do copy us a lot after hating us so much.
  8. A couple links that may be helpful: https://www.irs.gov/pub/irs-regs/travel_entertainment_faq_v1.pdf Sizing
  9. DEFINITELY a city employee.
  10. I have a buddy that’s a high flying criminal defense attorney in Toronto. He had a client that was buying discount tickets on Craigslist and reselling them. She was a reseller but obviously it was a scam. One person had enough of her shit and she had to pay some big time fines and restitution for the fake plane tickets (she thought they were real).
  11. Yes, he did it after he lost at home vs LSU. It was fucking hilarious.
  12. I already asked you “How?” And you didn’t answer. Your stupidity is confusing me, so just to be sure, you’re wanting to wager on future NFL production? If we have 4 starting lineman from this team that have a greater tenure than the those previously mentioned (in jimmyjazz’s post), I’ll pay you $500. And if we don’t, you owe me $500 (unless you’re short on rent that month, I’ll work with you).
  13. Pipe down dork. Your posts suck. You looked into your crystal ball and said, “There is more nfl guys on this line though.”
  14. Thank you for your apology. You are correct, the book isn’t finished which is precisely why I wouldn’t say some stupid moronic shit like 24 is better than 05.
  15. Add these backups on that team: Mike Garcia, William Winston, Brett Valdez, Dallas Griffin and Tony Hills
  16. How? You had greater than 6 go to NFL from the 05 team. One thing that Keith Jackson mentioned was how the unappreciated OL of 05 dominated the national title game. This year’s OL isn’t even close to 05. You couldn’t be more wrong.
  17. Released a couple hours ago. San Fran already saying they’ll most likely charge the 17yr old robber as a juvenile. https://sports.yahoo.com/49ers-ricky-pearsall-released-from-hospital-after-being-shot-in-chest-in-san-francisco-235941345.html
  18. Good to see we are doing what’s right for the sport.
  19. Pipe down, we’re talking Manziel and his finest Peruvian flake bag.
  20. I hope Manziel shows up completely wacked out of his fucking skull on some blow laced with some Hollywood level fentanyl.
  21. I can’t wait until his ghost comes back and commits armed robbery of the jewelry because technically, it’s memorabilia.
  22. Definitely something the Rainey St Ripper would say…
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