No foul was called. DeSousa got a T for taunting after the play. Now that there has been time to digest this, a couple of things have come out.
1. Bill Self is get more scrutiny regarding whether he has control of the program. That had sort of died out as the season was progressing, but this becomes one more incident in a series of incidents over the last few years that are a bad look for the program. There seems to be some tension between Bill Self and the AD.
2. I do find it interesting that KU and DeSousa have put out multiple statements apologizing and taking responsibility for the incident, but we have heard nothing from KSU. DeSousa issued a very contrite apology and I think had he not raised the stool over his head, the narrative of the fight would be much different.
3. I don’t know how the team will respond emotionally, but the suspension should have very little effect on the team. DeSousa only played a few minutes a game and has really struggled this year. McCormack was a starter, but KU would start two big men and struggle in the first half and played better with only one big man. This will force Self to play a line up that has been more productive.
4. Long term are we witnessing the beginning of the end of the Self era. It may depend on NCAA punishment . I get the perception of the program by other schools and I get that many view KU fans as arrogant, but what Self has accomplished is pretty remarkable and there is no home run hire to replace him.