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Everything posted by LABEVO

  1. I bought at $60 then $50 and now I am just hoping to get out when it hits $50...
  2. lulz. you are going to get fleeced. make sure you deposit money to a chinese bank for extra legal protection.
  3. party of personal responsibility!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  4. The research shows that any face protection lowers the likeness of catching or spreading. CDC / no CR but the administration lied about effectiveness of masks. I have a few mask (not N95) that I bought from Lowes in Jan that we wear going to the grocery store. You can put the mask above steam for 10 mins to kill any germs / bacteria for re-usability.
  5. Repeat what I said elsewhere... If they wouldn't transmit to the broader population, I wouldn't care and call it karma / Darwinism....
  6. If they wouldn't transmit to the broader population, I wouldn't care and call it karma / Darwinism....
  7. There will be a flurry of M&A back half off 2020 if financial markets settle down. Companies with strong balance sheets will go on a buying spree.
  8. Companies that enable remote, distributed work. This event has been a catalyst for many industries to move to SaaS based solutions to allow their workforce to continue working. Zoom like the OP is just the headline company but many industry specific tech services are seeing a sales upswing past few weeks.
  9. Bonds are quickly rebounding as I expected...
  10. infrastructure has about 0% chance of being passed during this administration. i used to work in infrastructure focused M&A and know most bankers in the space and that is their view at this time...
  11. i pay the neighbor's kid $50 a week to walk the dog (only 1)
  12. My savings is gas, lunch, and not eating out probably is mostly offset by the video games I have bought to keep from being bored
  13. In January, he was quoted saying it originated from the wet markets. He isn't walking back that it started in China but stating that rush to judgement should be withheld until more evidence is found to determine the source...
  14. It was an interview with George Fu Gao, China head of CDC. The tone was there is not enough evidence yet vs it did not originate in wet markets... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/George_F._Gao
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