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Everything posted by LABEVO

  1. People are freaking out by this announcements but are forgetting that all the limitations on movement of people are happening at the city and state level. The Federal government has almost done 0 to restrict movement of people...
  2. https://news.crunchbase.com/news/telehealth-startups-pause-at-home-covid-19-testing-after-fda-tightens-guidelines/ Telehealth Startups Pause At-Home COVID-19 Testing After FDA Tightens Guidelines
  3. uhhh, that isn't how their market works but ok.
  4. Text for people without audio. Welp, at the point Republicans are willing to sacrifice people for the stock market
  5. Should I have not laughed? They did it to themselves....
  6. Exclusive: U.S. axed CDC expert job in China months before virus outbreak https://www.reuters.com/article/us-health-coronavirus-china-cdc-exclusiv/exclusive-u-s-axed-cdc-expert-job-in-china-months-before-virus-outbreak-idUSKBN21910S
  7. Someone posted a medium post that was making the rounds but that post has been taken down as disinformation. Here is a tear down of it...
  8. I bought one to keep away the boredom. Give me games to buy.
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