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  1. Got back on the saddle Monday after work for a short 45-minute ride. Did an hour this morning. Soreness in the legs feels good. "Surgery" if you want to call it that has done it's job. Knock on wood but I think I'm healed. Taking the QR out this weekend for a good ride on the road and keeping it off the trainer until after race day. I'm getting nervous. I know I'll do fine. I think it's more mental right now than physical. Doc said I can get back in the pool today so I'm heading to the pool in the morning before work to get a long swim in and knock the rust off. I'll be in the pool 3x per week until race day. It's nice to be full go again. Just gotta get through another week of hard training then taper it out. Already done my long runs and long bricks. I may do one more shorter brick (25 mile ride + 6 mile run or something) before race day just to calm the nerves.
  2. The President, the President's Press Secretary, the Director of the NIH, the Director of the CDC... Are The President, the President's Press Secretary, the Director of the NIH, the Director of the CDC a reliable source? Start at :34.
  3. Then why were we told they prevent illness?
  4. Mine was driven by the constant goal post moving by the major media outlets when I used to pay attention to them. I got the first two pfizer shots. At the time, we were told that we wouldn't get sick. People started getting sick after getting shots. Then they said you can't spread it if you're vaccinated, then studies came out about how people were still spreading it even though they were vaxxed. Oh, well then it was we wouldn't get critically ill. Deaths started decreasing but infections were going up, causing people to question why even get "boosted" when natural immunity is better than protection from vaccines. In hindsight, I wish I hadn't gotten vaxxed. Mainly because I believe I'm in better physical shape than 99% of the population and have almost zero risk of being hospitalized because of covid. In my opinion, it's not deliberate ignorance, it's logic.
  5. For those with kids that have Disney+, there is a nice little add on you can do for ESPN+ for cord cutters. Our annual Disney+ renewal was up in 3 days and my wife was browsing through deals for Verizon. She increased her phone plan by $5 per month and we got Disney+, Hulu Library with Ads, and ESPN+ for $10 per month. Disney+ renewal is about $13 per month. Bundle ESPN+ with Disney+. It's a good deal. I know, I know...
  6. I hope Sark puts 77 on traylor’s bitch ass.
  7. Texas - 48 UTSA - 16 Ewers - 264 Arch - 122 Other - 16
  8. Water temp in Waco is 84 so quite a ways to go before its wetsuit legal there. It’s going to be hot next week with no rain on the horizon so river isn’t going to cool off much. I’m cool with that as I don’t really care for swimming in a wetsuit. My parents next-door neighbor just did IM Wisconsin last weekend and finished 9th overall. He said it was an insane bike course up in Wisconsin with over 6000 ft of climbing. He did Chattanooga last year and finished 3rd overall. I talked to him for a bit this evening and he has some friends going up to TN and racing. It was nice chatting with him. Thought that was pretty cool. Small world.
  9. Went to doc for follow up on Wednesday and got the clear to run and bike. Went to the gym yesterday to lift and went on a 9 mile run this morning. Felt amazing. It was 63 with low humidity. I don’t have my bike with me as I’m visiting my parents this weekend. I’ll venture onto the bike Monday or Tuesday and ease back into it. I’ll probably do a 40 mile ride next weekend then start the 2 week taper. Race day is 3 weeks from Sunday. @Clintonaldo, Chattanooga is next weekend, right?
  10. Here's an idea: no one is talking about it because no one gives a fuck about aggy?
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