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  1. O/U on Anthony Hill murders this season? I’m guessing 2.5 and am taking the over.
  2. Correct, taper for Waco was just race week. I did one shorter session of each discipline Monday - Wednesday. Your rest/easy pace is my normal swim lol
  3. Not quite ready yet. I still need my long ride (3+ hours) and one more long brick, then I’ll be set. I’m about 6 weeks out and training is going a lot better this time around. I need to get into the pool as well. I’ve been concentrating the majority of my training on the bike this go around. I have neglected the pool, but I need to swim more.
  4. 2:45 on the bike yesterday with a 6 mile run after. 11 mile run this morning. Swimming tomorrow. Grinding it out. @Clintonaldohows the hammy?
  5. I’ve been to over 40 DMB shows with my first in 2002. The band now is not the band it was back then (obviously). I don’t find the music they play now to be anywhere near as good as it was in the late 2000s. Buddy Strong is a terrible Boyd replacement. Jeff Coffin is OK but while Tim Reynolds can shred, they’ve used him and Buddy Strong to fill Boyd’s sound and it just doesn’t sound as good. I missed last years Woodlands show and wasn’t that disappointed. The 2003 show was awful. Probably one of the worst shows I’ve been to. My favorite live show right now is probably Piedmont Park. I could listen to that on repeat ALL day.
  6. Good luck. When I pulled a hamstring, it took me 2+ weeks to get back to normal. 11 mile run today, long bike and run tomorrow.
  7. Oof. I was telling my wife yesterday that I feel like I’m back in the zone for training after my back and toe issue. I’m in a good spot and making progress. Bike is getting better. I did some speed intervals for the first time a few days ago and did speed work running yesterday. Easy bike this morning for 1:15. Big weekend coming up for a long ride and run.
  8. Only when one of us is sick so we don’t keep the other up. I used to be a fat fuck and would snore like crazy. I lost a ton of weight and we both sleep a lot better. My parents have slept separately for the last 5 years at least because of my dads snoring.
  9. Great training weekend - 2k swim after work Friday, 11 mile run Saturday, 2:15 bike + 7 mile run Sunday. Sunday workout felt great - no fatigue at all. Salt and nutrition is a lot better this time around. Taking it easy today. I hit 3 bike workouts, 2 runs, 1 swim and 1 brick last week. This race prep is different than Waco. I’m a lot less nervous about it. It’s weird because I don’t think I’m doing enough training because I’m not exhausted all the time but I know that if I stick to the plan, I’ll be ready.
  10. Toe is healed. Two months to finish prep.
  11. It’s painful due to how it happened. Nail was hanging on by a few threads and sticking almost straight up. I couldn’t put on my bike shoes without having significant pain. I’ll be back in a few days.
  12. I ended up having my toenail removed yesterday. I can’t catch a break. My favorite race of the year is tomorrow and I can’t run it. This is the first race I have ever missed.
  13. My dumbass wasn’t wearing shoes on Sunday and my son rolled his baseball bag into my foot because he doesn’t listen when I tell him to put it on the ground when he’s looking for something. My toenail got split in half and I’ve been hobbling the last 2 days since. Finally starting to feel better for the 15k race this weekend. This is the last event before Panama City. I think I ran a 1:11:00 last year for the same race and don’t think I’ll be beating that this time around. We will see though.
  14. Congrats on the finish. Time doesn’t matter, especially when your training gets screwed up due to injury. Happy for you. 12 mile run this morning. Tomorrow may be a day off, depending on how I feel tonight and in the morning. May do a 45 minute spin or something easy.
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