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Everything posted by pearlandhorn

  1. Shoot. I ran the Pearland half last year and the provider of port-a-potties didn’t drop the shitters off until I was crossing the finish line. Needless to say I found some bushes that needed a wizzing on before the race. Houston Running Co. is a terrible race sponsor. They misspelled ‘Marathon’ on the race medal and only remade them after a bunch of people called them out on their shit (no shitters, misspelled medals). I thought the misspelling was funny. A half marathon isn’t a big deal for me but it’s a big deal to a lot of people. People are super proud of that medal and it can make someone disappointed if their medal is misspelled. I didn’t think the port a potty thing was a big deal because I shit like clockwork when I wake up in the mornings but a lot of folks aren’t like me. My wife was pisssssed and swore them off even after they sent a $5 off coupon for this years race. She needed to use it before, during and after the race. Fuck Houston Running Co.
  2. 70.3 Gulf Coast just posted the race day schedule. Ocean swim starts at 5:40 in the morning. Jeez that’s early
  3. Swam Saturday. Yesterday I did a 1:45 bike and a 5 mile run after. Made it to the gym this morning for a light lifting session. My back is getting better slowly but surely.
  4. How’s the ankle?
  5. Definitely. I think the cutoff is 8:30 from when you enter the water for a 70.3. There are people who can finish in 4:30 and people who barely make cutoff.
  6. 😂 that’s fantastic
  7. It wasn’t bad at all. Granted we weren’t in lake Waco but in the river to the east of the dam. It was very smooth and probably the best swim I’ve had not in the ocean.
  8. Couldn’t agree more with @Clintonaldo on this. Once you learn how to breathe properly, it gets a lot easier.
  9. 55 is the new 25. Once you get a good fitness base, even at 55, you could do a 70.3. Just start slow. Do a sprint, then an Olympic distance.
  10. Cadence on the bike is in the lower 70s. I think I averaged around 19 mph in Waco. I was completely unprepared for the fresh chip seal they had put on the main road in Waco for about 25 miles of the bike course. It completely wrecked me. Back is feeling a lot better and I’m slowly getting back into the training. I’ve ridden twice and ran once this week. Off today and probably run tomorrow, brick Saturday and swim Sunday.
  11. No longer in Pearland. I’ve done the Pearland half twice and Houston half (in October) and the Houston full (in January) twice. I moved to Tyler about 4 months ago.
  12. Big oof man. So sorry. Hey, 3 weeks is plenty of time if you rehab correctly. Stay off it, give it a week of no running with rest, ice, compression, elevate. You may be surprised how you feel next weekend. I did the same thing last year as well on a 16 miler. Didn’t run for a week, went out and did 18. My back is finally starting to feel almost back to normal. I’ll probably do one or two more rest days then get back to the grind. My wife and I were talking and we may run the blue bell half in late March. Anybody ever do that race in Brenham?
  13. I had to bite the bullet and go see a doc in the box today for my back. Doc did his assessment and said I had a strain in my lower back causing back spasms. No shit doc, give me a shot and some meds. I gotta get back to training.
  14. This right here. It doesn’t matter if you’re first or last. If you can’t run, walk, if you can’t walk, crawl. Just don’t stop moving forward.
  15. Watch Effortless Swimming on YouTube. He’s great.
  16. I forgot that your half is in May and your full is in September. Timing makes sense.
  17. Half or Olympic?
  18. For me, I did the swim in 50 minutes in Waco. It wasn’t hard at all. @Clintonaldois a much better swimmer than I am. He’s around 40 minutes I believe for a 1.2 mile swim. Tweeked my back this morning…putting on my riding shorts. I’m out for at least 3 days.
  19. That’s me tomorrow. Unless I pull myself to the pool tomorrow sometime.
  20. I’m not a burner at all. I ran 2023 Houston with my wife. She’s a lot slower than me and I think we did 4:50. I told her I’m running on my own for 2024 and ran a 3:49 which I was very happy with. We then met some friends in Vegas to run in April 2024 and I ran about half of it with a buddy. If I had gone by my own pace I would have gotten under 3:30. I really only look at Boston qualifying times and I’m wayyyy off for my age group. I think 35-39 is under 3 hours now for a qualifying time. I’ll try doing sub 3:30 for MCM in October.
  21. 3:31 in Vegas last year. I did Houston in 3:49.
  22. I finally got a true HR monitor. Crazy how off my HR has been when running.
  23. To comment on your last paragraph, I can totally relate to that. If I don’t have a race to concentrate on, I’ll lose focus. I don’t drink, but I’ll get lazy, lose motivation. Having a race allows me to set goals. I may do Waco again if I don’t do MCM in October. Not 100% sure yet.
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