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Everything posted by pearlandhorn

  1. So if Ewers does come here, do both Casey and Hudson transfer? I'm assuming yes as we still have Murphy coming in and another potential transfer QB.
  2. Now it makes sense that the average surly poster is a 40+ fat guy.
  3. I’ve never been a drinker. I do like a nice red wine with steak but it’s probably been over a year since I’ve had any alcohol.
  4. Are we going to fuck around and find out or are we going to pay this man his money?
  5. CeeDee Lamb is so fucking good. Gallup is great as well. Cooper with a nice grab and run too. Best WR group in the NFL?
  6. In my opinion, doe meat tastes better than bucks. Leaner and less gamey to me. The place I hunt at in Crockett county have a rule this year that anyone that comes out to the place has to take at least two deer. If you take a buck, you have to also kill a doe. Or you can take two doe. There are way too many doe at this place. They needed to shoot about 70 last year to right the population and only got about 25 doe killed last year.
  7. Here we go: https://radio.securenetsystems.net/cirruscontent/ZONE1150
  8. Need a link to post game call in show.
  9. O'neal just got trucked lololol
  10. Update: Weekend started off great. Deer lease with my 5 year old and FIL. Killed a nice 12 point and a doe. Came back Tuesday and processed the deer and froze about 60 pounds of venison. Lunch on thanksgiving at my folks house was surprisingly uneventful. My mom was a neurotic mess the whole fucking day which was par for the course. Things at my in laws started going south on Tuesday night though. My SILs husband (well both of them) has a drinking problem and is literally always drinking. My in laws hate him and he hates being here. I get here today after hitting the gym and start to help with the food. My wife comes to me and tells me that if I’m going back to Houston tomorrow (I have some work to take care of), that I’ll need to give my SIL a ride back to their house as she told her husband to “just fucking leave”. I said sure, no problem. Apparently there was yelling and screaming last night coming from their room. And I fucking missed it. Damn. On the other hand, my mom is so fucking sensitive to everything regarding being a grandparent that if I say one thing wrong, she gets her feelings hurt. I walk in to their house this AM after working out and she’s crying over something I said last night. I can’t win. Best part about it? I get to do it all again next month. And there’s presents involved.
  11. Ran a 5k turkey trot in 25:50 today, a full 2 minutes faster from my 5k time from back in May. Wife is training for a half marathon currently and did her 5k in sub 30 minutes which is great for her considering she’s had 4 knee surgeries and is under 35 years old.
  12. Agree with you there. The burnt ends were pretty dry as well and not what I was hoping for based on price. The sausage and chicken were on point though.
  13. Got a nice 12 point with the kiddo out in Crockett county. Had a ton of fun. My FILs lease is about an hour southwest of San Angelo.
  14. Brisket was a bit bitter (too much smoke). Sausage was wild hog jalapeño cheddar and was the best thing on the menu. I’d give the brisket a B-.
  15. I only eat pizza for “cheat” meals. This is typically once every two months or so. I eat once a day otherwise. I went from 310+ to 180 lbs. I can splurge every once in a while. My typical diet is chicken/lean beef/venison and veggies.
  16. Just throw $5 mil at Boom and call it a day. Throw 2 mil at Joseph or whatever his name is at LSU for DB coach.
  17. I’ll still eat the shit out of a pizza buffet but I will no longer eat CiCi’s. Mr. Gatti’s is the destination for pizza buffets for my family if I’m going. My wife will take our 5 year old there without me if I’m out of town but I will no longer eat that nasty shit.
  18. Blackboard BBQ tomorrow in Boerne. Calling it in at 9 for pickup at noon. Deer blind by 4:30 PM. Will post pics on my way to the deer lease.
  19. Damn, if this keeps up, it’ll be the shortest amount of time passed between purchase of a boat and repossession my bank has ever seen.
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