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Everything posted by pearlandhorn

  1. I’m sick of these bullshit refs not calling holding.
  2. I want to see more Sanders. Feed him and Bijan and Rojo.
  3. ^^^ plus however much money to keep 2022 class and signing 2023 stars
  4. I'd bet that there are internal discussions going on in aggyland on just how many players have to be in a certain position group in order to actually participate in a game. There was a school earlier this season that almost had to cancel a game because they only had like 6 OL available.
  5. Texas 31 K-State 34 62 plays, longest 55 yards.
  6. 1:55:36. Very impressed with myself considering this is my first and I’ve never run prior to Covid.
  7. My first half marathon is this weekend. Shooting for sub two hours but will be happy with 2:02. Weather is supposed to be great in Houston: mid 50s at the start and slightly warming over the course of the day. Super excited about it.
  8. Even more surprising is that he was able to complete the whole sentence without falling asleep.
  9. The government is doing a fine fine job of eliminating heart disease and cancer. They should definitely be in charge of getting rid of Covid.
  10. This defense is putrid.
  11. TX 37, OSU 31 19 receptions for 272 yards.
  12. If anyone here has some HEB Cookies & Cream ice cream in their freezer, might want to go check it. Apparently it's making a lot of people sick who have purchased it from Houston HEB locations. Managers are pulling it off the shelves. Some folks complaining about it not actually freezing properly in their freezer, very liquidy/runny. I wouldn't be surprised if we hear something from HEB soon regarding the cookies & cream creamy creations ice cream.
  13. No need. You wouldn’t show up because you’re a bitch.
  14. Seems like something a beta bitch would say.
  15. Jesus Christ. So many pussy ass bitches on this board. Change your fucking tampons.
  16. Every single one of you is a fucking pussy ass bitch.
  17. Let's plan a nuclear deal with Iran, the mortal enemy of the Saudis, then call out the Saudis for not increasing production. What could possibly go wrong? Let's also support treacherous dictators like Maduro in Venezuela by begging them for oil too. What could possibly go wrong?
  18. It really is nice having a head coach that understands offense.
  19. They have to make it to a bowl first.
  20. Seems like this is a weekly occurrence. I really don’t know why Saban kept butt chin after last year.
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