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Everything posted by pearlandhorn

  1. Currently at 187 lbs. Up 7 or so pounds over the last 2 months or so. Set a PR today with deadlift at 315.
  2. TX 45 ULM 13 Bijan 194 total yards. He doesn't play half the 3rd quarter or any of the 4th quarter.
  3. BJ Foster (on the touchdown play - the play subsequent to the play in question), literally stops running to block the blocker.
  4. Justin wells at IT is a good guy as well.
  5. This is perhaps the most beta/pussy comment I have ever seen posted in the history of surly or shaggy.
  6. How old is "old"?
  7. Probably close to 10/15%. I'm already starting to feel better, have more energy, less moodiness, and have my libido back on track after raising it up to 30%.
  8. One cookie leads to two, which leads to an entire sleeve, which leads to an entire box. One of the reasons I also don't do "cheat days" and rather just do a "cheat meal".
  9. Alcohol intake leads inhibitions which leads to bad food intake. Just a reminder. Given where we've been over the last 8 years with coaching though, I can get behind people needing alcohol to numb the pain during football season.
  10. I did read it. They're committed to fighting inflation and will continue to raise rates throughout the year. Yet, the 50/75 basis point increases haven't done anything to stop the rising inflation so far. Numerous economists have indicated that far larger increases in the prime rate is necessary to stop the growth in inflation. 75 basis point increases aren't the solution. I'd be surprised if the next increase isn't 100 basis points or higher.
  11. Seen inflation numbers this morning? A 75 basis point increase given the level of inflation right now is like shooting a BB gun at a freight train.
  12. Just wait until the Fed actually has to do their job and raise interest rates to the point of slowing down inflation. Unemployment will increase due to businesses having to scale back (you're already seeing large companies ease on their hiring plans through 2023), foreclosures will increase due to people not being able to afford their mortgages, property values will decline as more foreclosures hit the market. Question is, will Biden still be president when shit hits the fan or will he be heading out of Pennsylvania Avenue in a wheelchair, eating an ice cream cone with his middle finger in the air?
  13. So I've stopped fucking around with low fat intake. I went and had bloodwork done a few weeks ago and got some markers for hormones being all out of whack as well as some liver/kidney markers that are eleveated. I immediately knew what the issue was and have adjusted my fat intake. I'm using a 35/35/30 split of carb/protein/fat and have already gained a few pounds. I'm up to 183 and feel absolutely wonderful. My testosterone levels were low. Like very low. I've slowly started to feel my libido turning around and thinking back, I was pretty miserable. I'm going to try and hit 190 before I start training for the half marathon. Race is in January and training should start around the first of September. I think a lot of people in society today only think eating disorders can effect women. I feel like I was self-sabotaging myself and subconsciously trying to not gain weight because I'm afraid I'll become a fatass again. But what I was doing was not sustainable. I felt like shit, was sleeping like shit, and was just not a pleasant person to be around given the hormonal imbalance that comes with eliminating most forms of fat from a diet. I've started to include whole eggs, avocados, nuts, nut butters and fatty fish to have a better balanced diet. I have to get at least 75g of fat every day from these sources. It really is amazing how what you eat can metabolically effect your mood, attitude, and overall mental health.
  14. This. Fargo's is awful.
  15. Guy who works for me brought this to me from Mexico. Can’t find it in any stores here in the US. Apparently it’s on 21 pesos per bottle down there. Told him to get me a case of it.
  16. I've been sticking to the saying of "don't go down any aisles unless you absolutely have to. All the shitty food is in the aisles". Only thing I go down aisles for is bread/tortillas, salsa/hot sauce, rice, and beans. Having a 6 year old makes this saying tough to accomplish. I mostly just stick to the outside rim of the store.
  17. annnnnnd it's gone.
  18. I wasn't all that impressed with Stanley's. Tyler doesn't really have that many good options as far as BBQ goes (outside of Stanley's). Maybe I just caught them on a bad day.
  19. Thanks man. Did you find more success going to a GP or urologist?
  20. Curious if anyone in here has had their testosterone levels checked? I’m having mine checked next month and wondering who has, results, and if you’re on any therapies (what kind, dosage, etc.) What ranges should I be looking for? I know there’s a free testosterone level I should be paying attention to but other than that, I just want to make sure I’m on the right path. Thanks guys.
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