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Everything posted by pearlandhorn

  1. I probably won't be getting companion pass for 2022 given I didn't travel for the first 4 months of 2021. I'll definitely hit A-list preferred again though. I've had companion pass for the last 2 years and haven't really been able to take advantage of it.
  2. My mom got her moderna booster yesterday (second vax in early January I believe). My dad got his booster on Monday. MIL got hers Wednesday and FIL is getting his when he gets back to Tyler.
  3. Most pediatricians have a breast feeding consultant on staff to assist if your wife has any concerns. They'll weigh the kid before nursing, then after a session to ensure the baby is getting enough milk. If you don't have a pediatrician yet, most will allow new parents to come in and meet different ones and you can chose which one follows in line with your beliefs. I had a coworker recommend ours to me, we booked an appointment, went in and met her about 6 weeks prior to due date, and knew immediately that this is the woman I wanted to be my kid's doctor. She was there at the hospital the morning after the delivery to look at him. Her kids go to the same school as my son. She's great.
  4. Sound machines/white noise machines are fantastic as well: Link to amazon
  5. It looks like dry skin on top of the kid's head. Google it. I'm not really sure what causes it and I don't think there's really a scientist that knows (but I could be wrong). It looks like really bad dandruff that flakes off. It doesn't hurt but it's unpleasant to the eye. Just use the luvs and see for yourself. You can always give them away later if you have the same conclusion about them that I have. You'll probably give them away or toss them. I think huggies and pampers are around $.25/diaper at target. The target brand (Up & Up) is around half that price per diaper. You may be thinking - eh...it's a quarter per diaper, who gives a shit? I'm a numbers guy and extrapolate that difference over 2 years, averaging 6 diapers a day and the cost difference between Up & Up and pampers is...$525 (averaging 6 diapers per day for two years).
  6. @NoName@Etexhorn13 1. Don't buy the cheap diapers. For the love of all that is holy. Luv brand diapers suck ass. We found Target to be the best bet on price and reliability. You can find them on sale every now and then and just stock up. Also, Target baby wipes are pretty good and reasonable priced too. Buy the biggest box you can buy when on sale. Don't buy expensive clothes. They will grow out of them so fast and only wear them once or twice before it doesn't fit any longer. Also, "Just Between Friends" is another one of those discount sales (around most major cities I believe - or at least the Houston area) where you can always buy stuff for cheap. If others are saying Costco has great options, go with them because they'll be cheaper. We weren't Costco members when we had our kid in diapers. 2. We used reusable diapers but not as diapers. We used them as burping cloths. Baby spits up, just throw it in the washing machine. We still have like 30 of those things. 3. Seconded or thirded the "my breast friend" pillow. My wife breastfed our son for the first year on that thing. If the kid spits up on it, you can take off the wrap thing and throw it in the washing machine. 4. Take some blankets from the hospital. They're free. And also take a booger sucker. 5. We never had any luck with a good forehead thermometer. We just did the rectal thing. Make sure the baby has their own thermometer for this reason. 6. If your baby gets cradle cap, I believe it's coconut oil that you can rub on it kinda like shampoo. Takes care of it lickity-split. 7. Get a good baby monitor. We bought this one (twice - dog broke the first one and it was working great after 2.5 years): https://www.target.com/p/infant-optics-video-baby-monitor-dxr-8/-/A-52918573 8. We ordered our crib off Amazon. No pillow, no blankets, no bumpers, just a mattress. Get a few sheet sets. This is the one we bought - has three different heights and converts in to a toddler bed: https://www.amazon.com/Delta-Children-Bentley-Convertible-Espresso/dp/B00LZY8804/ref=sr_1_17?dchild=1&keywords=baby+crib&qid=1629433144&sr=8-17 Last but not least: 9. Get a good carseat from a major manufacturer (Graco or the like). Car seats for infants come in two pieces (a base and a seat). The seat is removable from the car and you can carry the seat around with you (some even come with a stroller that you can attach the seat to). This is pretty handy but we never used ours. One thing you can do is get an additional base for your car (so a carseat/base and an additional base). Just throw the carseat in to whichever car you want to take. Makes transporting the family easier.
  7. No other kids. My wife had pretty rough complications with our boy when he was born. Emergency c-section, MRSA infection that resulted in her getting her tubes tied. She was still dealing with the physical complications 18 months after delivery. We decided it best to get her tubes tied and deal with those issues 3 years ago and not have any more kids. We’re one and done. Of course we had people say “oooooo he needs a brother/sister”. We essentially told people to fuck off. But honestly, my wife and I both feel whole with just him. Every now and then we will ask each other “you still good with only have one kid?” It’s honestly amazing how well a couple can be on the same page if there’s free and honest communication between the two.
  8. No, I don’t really drink. I’ll have a beer or scotch probably once or twice a year.
  9. Ditto but even through COVID and WFH, I was still up before the sun most mornings. I find it easier to think and get the day started when it's just me, the dog, and my coffee on the couch.
  10. I'm an early riser (giggidy) in the mornings and am awake before anyone else in the house. He's always up when the clock hits 7. School dropoff is at 7:45 and we're about 15 minutes from the school. He was in daycare this last year (in about 9, out about 3:30/4) as my wife and I couldn't get any work done at the house when he's there. It was great for him to have some structure and interaction with other kids during COVID. Kids just need to be around kids in my opinion and to have to listen to someone other than their parents. Good luck to you and your wife. It was more difficult for me than I thought it would be. I was expecting my wife to tear up when we got to the car but she was just quiet on the way home. Multiple times during the day we'd say "I can't believe he's in kindergarten now."
  11. Dropped the boy off at kindergarten today. As other kids were welling up and starting to cry, my son looked at my wife and I, said "see you this afternoon!" and walked right in and sat down at his table. At that moment, so many emotions ran through me but I think I had just a huge dad moment where I was so unbelievably proud of my son. I remember bringing him home from the hospital like it was yesterday when in actuality, it was 5 years ago. To the dads with young ones not yet in school - cherish the times because they fly by and you will soon find yourself dropping your kiddo off for their first day of school.
  12. Found a prime ribeye in the freezer when I was unloading the half cow I just had butchered. Cooked in wagyu tallow on cast iron skillet. Fantastic. Dog in background is best part of the second pic.
  13. This right here. No one gives a damn how much you can lift. They’re at the gym doing their own workout.
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