Where do I begin?
My wife, son and I have made the move up to Tyler. I got a junior C level job at a company up here starting the week before thanksgiving and have been up here since. My wife and son have been in Houston until this last weekend, finishing up the school semester, packing the house, and cleaning/getting it ready to be listed. Thankfully, my wife knocked it out of the park and the house is ready to be listed. I’ve been living with my parents for the last 6 weeks. It will be nice though as my dad was just diagnosed with a rare form of cancer. Unfortunately, he’s not taking it too well and neither is my mom. She’s a basket case.
Thanksgiving went off without a hiccup. My wife and son came in for thanksgiving. My wife’s sisters stayed at their homes.
Christmas is a whole different story. Christmas Eve, we did the whole shindig at my folks house. It went just fine. Since most of our shit is in a storage building in south Tyler, it was a gift card Christmas. My wife’s sisters showed up the 23rd. The one with the abusive ex husband has moved to Charlotte and is now shacking up with a 60 year old guy. He came with her. He’s not a bad dude at all. Just a little…off. He does nothing but computer games, board games, and goes on cruises. He’s pretty mellow and good for her though…stable.
The other sister…lol. She showed up with her two pit bull mixed dogs. Mind you, we have our dog and two cats at my in laws house because my wife and son have moved into my in laws house (10 minutes from my folks). This sister has absolutely no discipline instilled in her dogs. The shit dogs jump on everyone, growl at everything, pick on our border collie. She’s loud, obnoxious, and just a cold hearted entitled bitch. It got so bad that my mother in law told her she had to leave tonight and she’s not welcome back next year. Her boytoy (sugar daddy) came over and opened gifts, ate, and left to go visit his mom in Dallas. Their two shit dogs and the fucking sister aren’t even welcome at his mom’s house. Gifts were pretty tame this year. One thing I found absolutely hilarious is that my in laws are wanting to “even things out” amongst the daughters (3, I’m married to the youngest). They told the middle daughter that the money they’ve given her is forgiven, and they gave my wife and I each $18k (tax free gift for 2024). Cool. Yeah, the other deadbeat didn’t get shit. She still owes them close to $50k. My MIL also told me that we will be getting another check in Jan 2025 so it really will be even then. My in laws didn’t give us a bunch of shit though as all of our house is in a storage facility. The deadbeat gave us THC shit (she’s a franchise owner of some bullshit CBD store in ATL) even though she knows I’m drug tested for my job and we have an 8 year old…oh, she’s been doing this for 6 years and hasn’t made a fucking red cent. My FIL and her sugardaddy are feeding her money (FIL not so much anymore).
Anywho, after an argument in which my MIL called my SIL an entitled cold hearted bitch, I sat my ass down and spilled my guts.
Merry fuckin Christmas and Ho fucking Ho you assholes!