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Everything posted by pearlandhorn

  1. Do you think if any politician listened to educators, that our education system would have any of the issues it has? Nobody is listening to teacher's unions... about anything. Um...yeah, that's not correct. The CDC reportedly solicited advice from the AFT and also asked for input in policies from that union... https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10365805/Controversial-teachers-union-president-Randi-Weingarten-says-mild-COVID.html
  2. Depends on what you're eating. You can eat a shitload of chicken and rice for 1,500 calories. Or two handfuls of cashews for 1,500 calories lol
  3. I present...Exhibit A.
  4. Also, which kids are you referring to? Have you seen a kid in a mask? My wife went to eat lunch at my son's school (kindergarten) and literally saw a kid take off his mask, put it on the ground, and rub it on the floor of the gym with his foot, then put it back on. Dumb? Yes, absolutely. Why would a kid do that? Because he's a kid.
  5. Actually, I believe it's the dems who care more about masks than anyone given the recent uptick in the rolling back of mask mandate measures in schools. The motto of the left through this entire pandemic has been "do as I say, not as I do." Dems are feeling it in the polls and are going to get shellacked in the mid terms so they're rolling back the measures so they can tout that Biden beat COVID when in actuality, Omicron is the best result that could have happened given the situation: mass immunity whether people like it or not. Now we just have to unfuck the supply chain, deal with inflation we haven't seen in 40 years, a turbulent stock market, and hundreds of thousands of kids who have fallen out of the public school system.
  6. Very interesting read. I knew a lot of this as my wife has cousins up in Alaska (Girdwood area). They're a little more on the grid as they run a nursery business in Seward but prior to them having kids, they were up in the middle of nowhere like OP is. My wife told me about roadkill harvesting where if an animal is hit by a train, troopers/officals would go to a list of people in the surrounding area and inform them of the kill and they could go out and harvest the meat. Is that true or does that not really occur in REMOTE areas?
  7. My wife and I still consistently play D2. We’re on PC and play with our original group from D1. Looking forward to witch queen.
  8. I don’t have a problem answering any questions really. No, I don’t work for SEACOR, Tidewater, or Chouest. They are our biggest competitors though and I know many folks who do work for them. Our industry is so niche that we have dealings and interactions with our competitors often. Hornbeck is another big competitor of ours. My company isn’t publicly traded.
  9. There’s a difference. The drill ships I believe you are referring to are indeed built mainly in Korea for transocean (example). Some are built in Europe, Singapore. To work in US waters for supers, PSVs must be built in the US and fly US flag. Supermajors only want US flagged vessels providing support to their leased drill ships from Transocean. Federal law requires it as well (Jones Act). The vessel company also must only employ US mariners for work in the GoM which is why our costs are a lot higher than say a company operating in West Africa. They can crew with guys from the Philippines and pay them half of what they pay US mariners. Most PSVs that work in the GoM are build in southern port areas (some in Louisiana, Alabama, Florida). Four that we have built are all identical and were built at BAE shipyard in Jacksonville. One thing a lot of people don’t realize is that if all these cruise ships were built in the US, the cost of cruises would be astronomical given that the vessel would be US flagged, have to employ ALL US citizens, and pay tax based on their home ports. Because they are built outside the US and flagged to say…Panama, they can hire whoever they want and not have to pay US tax. Companies typically flag their vessels in the most tax advantageous country. But to have your main port of call in the US requires a shitton more costs. But that’s all the supermajors in the GoM will contract with and that’s all they can contract with if they want to work in the GoM.
  10. 8 years ago…is it still the best in Tyler?
  11. Noticed this at my HEB the last month as well. Keep telling my kid I’ll get some at the store and end up empty handed. I just tell him “corona” and he understands.
  12. Anybody ever eaten at Stanley’s in Tyler? Thinking of stopping in on Monday. I know they’ve been on the top 50 before but would like a connoisseur’s opinion on the place.
  13. I work in the offshore vessel industry and we’re only in the GoM. Wages for mariners are getting silly. Thankfully we have cost escalation in our contracts with the supers so we can go back to them for increases in day rates whenever our costs get out of hand. Captain wages have gone up 35%-45% over the last year. Same for engineers. A lot of these offshore guys just left the industry during the downturn and shrink in GoM activity due to wages being deflated. The lack of deep water supply vessels is drastically low due to companies filing for bankruptcy and stacking vessels for the last 5 years while ours have kept humming due to our long term contracts. Costs to activate these stacked vessels is about a million per year out of service. Add in the time it’ll take to activate to service the surge in demand for the vessels and you’ll be entering new build pricing territory by Q2 2023. This is the first uptick in the industry that I’ve been a part of (I’m only 33). I entered the industry at the beginning of the downturn so I’ve never seen the rocket ship before.
  14. I remember there being an HEB catering to Mexican food in the SE Houston area but can’t find it on the googles. Anybody know if it closed down?
  15. 100% this. It was super early when I wrote my reply but should have said this.
  16. Probably. When I was doing IF, I had coffee creamer throughout the day. Was I truly 100% doing IF? No, but it kept me sane. If eating a banana helps you, do it. There are worse things you could eat.
  17. Looks like someone already has their order placed at bass pro.
  18. I don't disagree with you. I was just trying to follow the guy's logic.
  19. Folks that need/want to lose a lot of weight very quickly would really benefit from OMAD or strict intermittent fasting. Just my $.02. Good luck to all.
  20. Using this logic and knowing that asymptomatic folks who are vaxxed pass this thing along to anyone they come in contact with, wouldn’t it be better if no one got vaccinated so they had symptoms and recognized that and stayed home for a week?
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