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Everything posted by pearlandhorn

  1. Ian Boyd picks his nose and eats his boogers. He tries to give this persona that he knows what he’s talking about but in actuality, he knows fuckall.
  2. I look like a chemo patient at 180 and I’m 6’2”. 185-190 is my sweet spot.
  3. Would like to watch the spring game tomorrow. Anybody got a link or know of any services with a free trial with LHN?
  4. Agree. Start looking good and your woman will get insecure and it will motivate her to look better as well.
  5. Standard opens in Houston, which I would imagine be comparable to San Antonio/Austin/Dallas are $20 to $25 at $1/$3 games. I would have made it closer to $100 if I were in the same position (button with 3 players in pot). I had a very similar situation a few years ago at a card house in Houston. UTG open to $25, two callers and I look down at Aces on the button. I 3-bet to $100 and everyone folded. Maybe it was too big but the player pool is completely different between big cities and small town rooms.
  6. You wouldn’t have called initial raise...this one of those fold or 3bet hands then? Or would you simply fold?
  7. He asked to run it twice. I didn’t really care one way or the other.
  8. Went to play poker at Top Shelf in Tyler last night. Was in town for a funeral. Most interesting hand: I’m in cutoff and look down at 5s7s. $15 to go from UTG+1. Playing $1/$2. One caller before me. I call and the button makes it $45 to go. Everyone calls. I’ve got $450 in front of me. Flop Kc7d5h. Checks to button and he makes it $100. UTG folds, UTG+1 calls. I look at the buttons stack and he’s got about $190 left. I look at UTG+1 and he’s got around $350 left. Question: is this a shove by me? Because that’s what I did. I know pocket kings are definitely in his 3-bet range and thinking at the time if he has it, he’s just got me, plain and simple. Button thinks about it for a minute saying “I should have made it more preflop...I can’t believe you flopped a set...” He ends up calling. UTG+1 ends up folding AK off (top top) saying “I can’t believe I’m folding this”. This is an easy fold for me if I’m in his position but I digress. Button rolls over Aces, we run it twice and I scoop. Thinking back, if UTG+1 put in a 4-bet with AK off, I would have folded preflop and button would have shoved preflop. Ive run pretty well the last few times I’ve been to that place. Games play super soft and is completely different than Houston poker.
  9. Quick trip to New Orleans today/tonight. Eating at Gianna tonight. Can't wait.
  10. Ironically, my nice (2019 Silverado LTZ) truck was stolen out of my driveway 2 weeks before thanksgiving last year. I bought an Explorer. Then why have one? It was a gift from my dad. I still wear it occasionally when I go out to a nice dinner or somewhere I would consider safer than New Orleans. But not going to the office in over a year due to Covid and staying at home 99% of the time, there no reason for it to not be put up in a safe place.
  11. I have one. Submariner two tone (gold and steel). I rarely wear it. In my gun safe. I wear my Hamilton Field Khaki with a NATO strap mainly.
  12. I always find it fascinating how women want to carry around a $3k purse. It’s advertising that you have money to a thief. Buying a knockoff of the $3k purse isn’t smart either I would think. You’re advertising you have money but when the robber gets pissed you don’t have any...I’ll just stop there.
  13. Meanwhile, I read that there are 900,000 Americans every year that develop a blood clot for one reason or another. Out of 328 million people in the US. One would think that the occurrence of a blood clot from a COVID vaccine would need to be higher than that statistic to pause a rollout of it. But what do I know?
  14. I’m going to say what everyone over the age of 30 is thinking when they read that: Yeah, fuck that.
  15. About 40 hours post Pfizer 2. Sore arm that was once a 6/10 on pain is now a 1/10. Wife, who was feeling shitty yesterday (fever, brain fog, lethargic) is better as well. Now we’re just dealing with the damn pollen. Gym and mowing time.
  16. 18 hours post Pfizer 2 here. Wife woke up at 4 am (14 hours after the shot) and was having chills and couldn’t get warm. She went to the couch and put on a jacket and grabbed a down comforter. My arm is just sore.
  17. 2nd Pfizer done at Walter Hall park in Webster by UTMB. Smoother this time around: in and out in 45 minutes.
  18. Holy shit. Couldn’t agree more with you, @South Austin Folks over 30 like to compare themselves to the 25 year old body builder. You will injure yourself if you don’t check the ego at the door.
  19. If you haven't lifted in a long time, I'd suggest the simple 5x5 barbell routine. It starts off very slow, allowing you to practice form on the main 5 core lifts (bench, squat, deadlift, barbell row, and overhead press). It's 3 days per week. https://stronglifts.com/5x5/ With those core lifts, after you've mastered form to the best you can, you can move in to a PPL (push, pull, legs) routine and use those lifts as the foundation to your strength training. That's what I have done and a lot of other people do. Compound exercises work various muscle groups at the same time, engage the core (abs, obliques, lats) to support the main muscle focus of the exercise. Bench and overhead press would be your compound lift for push days, row for pull days (you can throw deadlift in here as well), and squat would be your compound lift for leg day (you can throw deadlift here also). Fill in your remaining hour or hour and a half at the gym with ancillary exercises (I do incline dumbbell press, dips, chest fly, a tricep exercise or two for push days). I've built my own program to cater to my time commitment I have. However, my main lift for each day at the gym is a compound lift with the barbell. It's safer than machines in my opinion and you engage many muscle groups while hitting the target one hard. If you want to cut, throw in some cardio a few days a week subsequent to your work out. Eat well.
  20. COVID made a run through my kid's preschool in January after the holidays. Teacher came to work on a Friday and tested positive the next Monday after she woke up feeling bad. My son tested positive 1/15, my wife tested positive 1/21 and we were both sick for a week. He had a snotty nose and coughed 3 times for a day. My wife and I were down for about 10 days. It sucked. Daycare was closed for two weeks as over 50% of the parents whose kids attend the daycare were sick. At least, that's what the owner of the daycare told me. We've had no issues with the daycare since they reopened. I know that one can argue "well, maybe the parents/kids got sick somewhere else and not through the daycare worker." You may be correct, no way to know.
  21. What you said about compound lifting for jelly bellies is spot on. Weight loss is 90% of what you put in to your mouth. You can’t outrun a bad diet. The other 10% is exercise (weight lifting, CrossFit, HIIT).
  22. UTMB in Galveston County/Clear Lake Webster has a shit ton of appointment times available tomorrow and Friday. https://www.utmb.edu/covid-19/vaccine/2dose-schedule
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