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Everything posted by pearlandhorn

  1. Got an e-mail from EVGA yesterday telling me that I was next in line to get a 3070 if I wanted it. I signed up for the e-mail notification when they came in stock as I was going to buy one for a buddy if he still needed it. 3070 - 3090 stock is slowly becoming more available which is good.
  2. Who would have thought that? Canadians coming through with that A+ research.
  3. So what this is essentially saying is that if you get as many shots as possible in to arms, the rate of infection goes down?
  4. And against Kansas last year.
  5. Chip's source is Surly. We knew this yesterday, bud.
  6. I think so. Drove through on my way to New Orleans the week before Christmas. I may be wrong though.
  7. This is probably the best MSPaint in history. Butterteeth churning his dinner.
  8. Doesn't Ash coach safeties? If Gideon is coaching safeties, I would assume that means Ash is out? If not, it could mean Gideon is just the ST coordinator.
  9. I just let people like you tell me what I should believe then I hope on the bandwagon of wanting or not wanting that coach.
  10. My parents, aunt and my inlaws have gotten them and they are all 1b located in Tyler/Smith County.
  11. How enchubbed should I be about Kyle Flood on a scale of 1 to 10?
  12. I for one am shocked that such a thing happens in the straight shooting state of Louisiana. I’ve never seen anything like this before. Ever. Such a clean state with great government employees.
  13. So sorry for your loss. Wishing the best for you bud. If you need anything, let us know.
  14. O&G stocks are up, along with a 4% increase in WTI. Found this interesting read as well: https://oilprice.com/Latest-Energy-News/World-News/Trump-Administration-Finalizes-Alaska-Oil-Drilling-Plan.html I work in offshore (GOM). We're a vessel company on charter with the supermajors. It's been a hell of a year (even the last 3 years have been rough). Hopefully we're turning a corner.
  15. Wouldn’t mind hearing about some grilling/travel/food recommendations from the food/travel forum as well. Id love to listen to these.
  16. Herman said multiple times that Yancy was "his guy" that he wanted to help build his program. Since we've seen that to be true with the bromance those two have for each other, I'm so glad he's out.
  17. Will be climbing the corporate ladder very soon.
  18. My money would be on Josh Thompson. Kid has a good head on his shoulders and impressed me this year.
  19. This is what has me more excited about this hire than I was initially.
  20. Oh he mad lulz. Did he make a column about Auburn which had an even bigger buyout of Malzahn?
  21. I want coach Boom back. Chris ash has surprised me this year though. I’m torn. As far as getting these Alabama position coaches - without looking at the situation with orange tinted glasses - why would they leave Alabama and make a lateral move to Texas? Doesn’t make sense to me. I can understand the LSU DB coach wanting to leave as he can’t understand a fucking word their head coach says and their DC is now gone.
  22. Has the allotment/shipments of the vaccine been published by Texas health services for this week? If so, anybody got a link? Can’t find it anywhere.
  23. I’d be impressed with winning 10 games and going to a good bowl and winning it. 10 wins including the bowl would be exceeds expectations. 9 wins would be acceptable.
  24. I want coach Boom back. Chris ash has surprised me this year though. I’m torn.
  25. Note who liked it at the top of the image.
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