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Everything posted by pearlandhorn

  1. But who will Chris Brown flex to?
  2. Who wants to page Urban at the airport?
  3. Oh for fuck's sake...here we fucking go again. Might as well just tell my boss to go fuck himself, I ain't doing shit the rest of the day.
  4. Unless CDC knows that the fuck he's doing and is a best AD in the country (one of, at least), this would seem like a problem. Maybe CDC is playing chess and we're all looking at a checker board. Time will tell.
  5. Bunch of sandy vaginas in here. What else is Herman supposed to say? He knows his time is up and he's waiting for his replacement to be inked, he'll be fired before NSD1.
  6. I’m imagining your avatar is CDC, Herman, and Meyer right now.
  7. I love this fucking place and I love every single one of you assholes. Except for you @futureman. Prepare your anus.
  8. I’m hoping that we have a Stan Drayton or Chris Ash press conference tomorrow as Herman will be setting up to have his house listed with an agent tomorrow at noon. Make it happen CDC.
  9. Time for CDC to shit or get off the pot. I vote: why not both? Drop this turd and go to your meeting with urban.
  10. If we fuck this up, might as well just cancel the football program.
  11. My parents actually have a forester and offered to let me have it. They bought it for their place in Colorado but sold the condo a few months ago and it’s for sale in Tyler. I didn’t care for driving it as it was lower to the ground than I care for. Thanks for the advice though!
  12. This is essentially what the cop did. My wife was pissed off about it. What the hell else is he supposed to do? Round up his other cop buddies and start a Houston wide area hunt for a Chevy Silverado? I knew I’d never see the truck again once I saw it wasn’t there anymore. Had to follow the protocol for insurance though.
  13. Who the fuck is fancy boots? Seems like a vic chola.
  14. I figured Matt Campbell was plan A for Michigan.
  15. The only complaint I had about my silverado was the lack of legroom for my 4 year old. He could kick me while sitting in his carseat in the middle of the back seat. Don't have that issue in my wife's F150.
  16. 4Runner is the front runner right now. I’ll check out the other Toyota lineup when I hear from insurance. Don’t really need or want another truck at this point.
  17. For real though. It’s incredible.
  18. Bye Tom. Get the fuck out. Fucking loser.
  19. I was under the impression that the AstraZeneca vaccine was pretty old technology. You’ve proven me wrong.
  20. Flat was a bit dry but really tasty. Point was 10/10
  21. New highlanders come with 3rd row seating right?
  22. Was leaning this way honestly.
  23. Single ply cut in half.
  24. The human race on average doesn’t give a shit about themselves if they aren’t faced with a life or death situation. Look at the top 5 causes of death in this country. Most are slow sentences, if not all. Heart disease/stroke/cancers. Every single one of these causes of death is sped up by being obese. In actuality, people won’t worry about these until their 50s, and by that time, they’ll just let prescriptions take over to get their blood pressure right. I’m 32 years old and I’m shocked at the number of people I encounter in their 30s and 40s who are already on BP meds, cholesterol meds. I lost 130 pounds by getting off my ass and doing something. I didn’t want to be like them. I’m now 6’2” and in the 180s. Bottom line: eat shit food, look like shit and feel like shit. This will cause you to not exercise. Eat good non processed food, feel good and look good. This will make exercising easier.
  25. This’ll be my version of “Sell. Me. A. Car” My 2017 Silverado LTZ was stolen out of my driveway. I got the fucksticks on video. Total clusterfuck. Fully loaded, everything except 4 wheel drive. My wife drives a truck so there’s really no need for us to both have one. She loves driving it and I hate driving hers as it’s a Ford. It’s not as comfortable as my Chevy was. We thought about me having her truck and her getting something else but prior to Covid, I commuted to and from Houston on a daily basis. Better to get something better on gas and whatnot if and when we get back to normal. I went and sat in accords and camrys yesterday but I feel like I need something with more room. Too cramped in a car. I’ll probably get around $30k from the insurance company for my truck, don’t want to finance anything and looking for an SUV. Anybody got any recommendations that would fit the criteria? I looked at CR-Vs and honestly, was surprised at the room inside, trunk space, and just overall niceness of the vehicle. I’ve got a kid as well so safety is more important than anything. Sell. Me. A. Car. Anybody got a recommendation other than “Ask your husband.”
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