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Everything posted by pearlandhorn

  1. Smoked brisket green bean casserole deviled eggs Garlic mashed potatoes Fruit salad (bananas, strawberries, grapes in vanilla yogurt) Pecan pie lemon meringue Pie BIL is making some kind of creole Cajun dish as well. My folks were going to bring a turkey and dressing, broccoli cheese rice and something else but they bailed due to rona.
  2. Where’s my invite? Would love some tamales.
  3. Got the brisket on to smoke. Waking up at 6 to wrap and bump up the temp to 250. Hoping to pull it around 2 and rest it for 2 hours. Will post pics when done. Second brisket ever and cooking on my FILs traeger. Nice grill.
  4. Will update with pics of brisket instead of Miss Tennessee. Give me an hour.
  5. SLB and LUV are killing it for me. Bought SLB for $17/share and LUV for $34.
  6. I'm more inclined to the Oxford/Astra vaccine honestly. More tried and true method for vaccine development. The mRNA process is very fascinating and a huge step in vaccine science and development. I'm just more comfortable with the Oxford vaccine.
  7. My family is out for Thanksgiving. I'll be at my inlaws with the deadbeat SIL and BIL. At least I'll have my dog, son and wife to keep me sane.
  8. Absolutely 100% agree. Too much sauce on a lot of his stuff. He does make a good BBQ rub. I used it on ribs and pork shoulder. I'm following his brisket recipe on a Traeger for Thanksgiving. Not putting as much BBQ rub on it though, mainly salt and pepper.
  9. The one the Cowboys ran against the Vikings yesterday was really really good. Start at 7:21
  10. https://www.heb.com/product-detail/h-e-b-chef-prepared-spinach-dip/298321 HEB makes all kinda of prepared dips that are absolutely delicious. This spinach dip, chipotle salsa ranch, dill dip, etc. Even online, it looks like this is now the only one available. The others are packaged very similarly. Very disappointed as the chipotle and dill dips slammed hard. I looked in my store recently and the only one I could find is that spinach dip. WTF man?
  11. In my family, I tell them all I wish we would not give gifts to anyone old enough to have a full time job. There’s only 1 person under the age of 21 in my entire family (my son). Just give him gifts. I don’t need anything. If I needed something, I’d go buy it. My wife and I are buying some PC components for each other for Christmas. I don’t need another screwdriver set, a scentcy, or anything else. Half of what I get as gifts go in the trash when I get home.
  12. I saw this earlier today. I think he's saying "I don't know who I'm going to pick yet."
  13. Gundy might be worse than Herman.
  14. Definitely getting it as soon as possible. I'm curious as to if all oil & gas employees are considered essential workers though. That'll move me up 2 months versus the common folk.
  15. I don't know where you're coming up with this "two weeks from the drop" as we aren't closing anything down. At least, not to the level that Europe has closed down. Americans don't take this shit seriously.
  16. At this point, I wouldn't be surprised if the season was cancelled due to rona cases. If that's the case, we can fire him now and hire Urban.
  17. At this point, I want a national mask mandate just to watch all the red governors squirm and file lawsuits. I'm working from home 99% of the time at this point and don't have to interact with any other people aside from my wife who also works from home. The worst thing that's happened with this virus is that it's being politicized. It's a power struggle between the big government is bad camp (republican politicians) and the listen to doctors camp (democrat politicians). I'm a republican and vote republican but the people who represent me are just fucking lunatics with this virus. Just wear a damn mask.
  18. Situation is fluid on getting Urban in burnt orange. All signs point to maybe.
  19. I love Joel Klatt. Him and Gus are the best announcers in the business. Seems like a down to earth guy that is simply a fan of all football. He knows bullshit when he sees it and is seeing a bunch of bullshit go on with Herman. When a big talking head of a major outlet like Joel Klatt calls out Herman's bullshit, it only helps the narrative that he's a sinking ship.
  20. If I’d known you went to microcenter, I’d have said $1,200 😂 I love microcenter. I did many trips to the Houston store when I was building.
  21. Weedeater string. I actually need some this year and have been putting off the trip to Home Depot because Christmas is just around the corner.
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