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Everything posted by pearlandhorn

  1. Flat was a bit dry but really tasty. Point was 10/10
  2. New highlanders come with 3rd row seating right?
  3. Was leaning this way honestly.
  4. Single ply cut in half.
  5. The human race on average doesn’t give a shit about themselves if they aren’t faced with a life or death situation. Look at the top 5 causes of death in this country. Most are slow sentences, if not all. Heart disease/stroke/cancers. Every single one of these causes of death is sped up by being obese. In actuality, people won’t worry about these until their 50s, and by that time, they’ll just let prescriptions take over to get their blood pressure right. I’m 32 years old and I’m shocked at the number of people I encounter in their 30s and 40s who are already on BP meds, cholesterol meds. I lost 130 pounds by getting off my ass and doing something. I didn’t want to be like them. I’m now 6’2” and in the 180s. Bottom line: eat shit food, look like shit and feel like shit. This will cause you to not exercise. Eat good non processed food, feel good and look good. This will make exercising easier.
  6. This’ll be my version of “Sell. Me. A. Car” My 2017 Silverado LTZ was stolen out of my driveway. I got the fucksticks on video. Total clusterfuck. Fully loaded, everything except 4 wheel drive. My wife drives a truck so there’s really no need for us to both have one. She loves driving it and I hate driving hers as it’s a Ford. It’s not as comfortable as my Chevy was. We thought about me having her truck and her getting something else but prior to Covid, I commuted to and from Houston on a daily basis. Better to get something better on gas and whatnot if and when we get back to normal. I went and sat in accords and camrys yesterday but I feel like I need something with more room. Too cramped in a car. I’ll probably get around $30k from the insurance company for my truck, don’t want to finance anything and looking for an SUV. Anybody got any recommendations that would fit the criteria? I looked at CR-Vs and honestly, was surprised at the room inside, trunk space, and just overall niceness of the vehicle. I’ve got a kid as well so safety is more important than anything. Sell. Me. A. Car. Anybody got a recommendation other than “Ask your husband.”
  7. Key lime is my favorite.
  8. Smoked brisket green bean casserole deviled eggs Garlic mashed potatoes Fruit salad (bananas, strawberries, grapes in vanilla yogurt) Pecan pie lemon meringue Pie BIL is making some kind of creole Cajun dish as well. My folks were going to bring a turkey and dressing, broccoli cheese rice and something else but they bailed due to rona.
  9. Where’s my invite? Would love some tamales.
  10. Got the brisket on to smoke. Waking up at 6 to wrap and bump up the temp to 250. Hoping to pull it around 2 and rest it for 2 hours. Will post pics when done. Second brisket ever and cooking on my FILs traeger. Nice grill.
  11. Will update with pics of brisket instead of Miss Tennessee. Give me an hour.
  12. SLB and LUV are killing it for me. Bought SLB for $17/share and LUV for $34.
  13. I'm more inclined to the Oxford/Astra vaccine honestly. More tried and true method for vaccine development. The mRNA process is very fascinating and a huge step in vaccine science and development. I'm just more comfortable with the Oxford vaccine.
  14. My family is out for Thanksgiving. I'll be at my inlaws with the deadbeat SIL and BIL. At least I'll have my dog, son and wife to keep me sane.
  15. Absolutely 100% agree. Too much sauce on a lot of his stuff. He does make a good BBQ rub. I used it on ribs and pork shoulder. I'm following his brisket recipe on a Traeger for Thanksgiving. Not putting as much BBQ rub on it though, mainly salt and pepper.
  16. The one the Cowboys ran against the Vikings yesterday was really really good. Start at 7:21
  17. https://www.heb.com/product-detail/h-e-b-chef-prepared-spinach-dip/298321 HEB makes all kinda of prepared dips that are absolutely delicious. This spinach dip, chipotle salsa ranch, dill dip, etc. Even online, it looks like this is now the only one available. The others are packaged very similarly. Very disappointed as the chipotle and dill dips slammed hard. I looked in my store recently and the only one I could find is that spinach dip. WTF man?
  18. In my family, I tell them all I wish we would not give gifts to anyone old enough to have a full time job. There’s only 1 person under the age of 21 in my entire family (my son). Just give him gifts. I don’t need anything. If I needed something, I’d go buy it. My wife and I are buying some PC components for each other for Christmas. I don’t need another screwdriver set, a scentcy, or anything else. Half of what I get as gifts go in the trash when I get home.
  19. I saw this earlier today. I think he's saying "I don't know who I'm going to pick yet."
  20. Gundy might be worse than Herman.
  21. Definitely getting it as soon as possible. I'm curious as to if all oil & gas employees are considered essential workers though. That'll move me up 2 months versus the common folk.
  22. I don't know where you're coming up with this "two weeks from the drop" as we aren't closing anything down. At least, not to the level that Europe has closed down. Americans don't take this shit seriously.
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