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Everything posted by Lobwedgephil

  1. It broke the uptrend it has been on for 6 months with heavy volume, has bounced nicely, but still below trendline for now. This typically means more downside possible, this is usually beginning, but also this is typically bullish seasonality time for crypto.
  2. Well played Lincoln. Fuck OU.
  3. Someone had a great response to her. https://twitter.com/tracypruitt4/status/1464779556821381122?s=20
  4. Jimbo is Sumlin record wise, with a good covid season in the middle.
  5. Should be good plan, seasonality shows strength until Dec 6th for Santa rally, then chop.
  6. I think it is something more, I never clear cookies for this site, and I have to click agree every new page or click on this site. Could be a macOS Monterey thing though, but every page.
  7. Quad witching tomorrow will be very interesting, SPY trying to hold a trend line it has been on since April 2020 vs. the usual volatile day. And if you haven't been having fun, FOMC next week with possible taper announcement.
  8. I like it for a fairly low risk trade. Not my style of trading, but I do sell a lot of naked puts.
  9. King broken ankle according to aggy boards.
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