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Everything posted by TexanTraveling

  1. So does Bayern beat Chelsea 6-0 or 7-0 aggregate?
  2. what the ever living fuck is going on in this chicago pregame. Fucking brought in a non hockey player, onto the ice, to talk about BLM and kneel. Only kneeling during the US national anthem but not the Canadian. Keep politics out of sports. This is a dog and pony show people dont want to see while trying to watch a god damn game of hockey.
  3. T&P, sorry for your loss.
  4. Everytime I google ALPP, the first link is to the "Academy of Lactation Practice and Policy". I get get a good laugh.
  5. But then who will the Jordies support?
  6. plant based pharma
  7. Alright fuck it, sold my profits from FRSX and put it into IBIO and NOVN
  8. FRSX broke through resistance at 1.70 and is up to 1.72. Man the fact that it was up yesterday when the market was down 400+. Something is up. Can anybody see who is buying these chunks? Can you tell if they are insiders?
  9. SOLO but it might be swing trade and not day trade
  10. up on adom over 45% in 5 trading hours
  11. 25% I’m 3 hours on ADOM
  12. Adom just broke through all time highs
  13. I’m up about 12 percent in an hour
  14. Haha did you really? That a boy.
  15. @RCRanger03 hey bud you might want to check out ADOM or Adomani Inc. makers of electric cars
  16. Anyone in on solo?
  17. Fox Sports isnt much better. Their morning show is Shannon Sharpe screaming about racial issues while Skip just sits their and backs him up as the apologist. Hard to find decent sports talk these days.
  18. So what kind of effect do you think this will have on the stock? What are the different scenarios?
  19. anyone else in on MARK? Earnings report coming after hours and word is they are announcing partnerships with Wynn Hotels and some others to provide thermal imaging.
  20. PH? Am I just not thinking clearly?
  21. ALPP just hit .07, so lets see what happens
  22. I know I have mentioned Sanchez Energy on here before, I got this notification. June 30 (Reuters) - Sanchez Energy Corp ( SNECQ 😞 * SANCHEZ ENERGY SUCCESSFULLY COMPLETES FINANCIAL RESTRUCTURING; EMERGES AS MESQUITE ENERGY, INC. * COMPANY ELIMINATED SUBSTANTIALLY ALL OF DEBT FROM ITS BALANCE SHEET, WHICH TOTALED APPROXIMATELY $2.3 BILLION * CAMERON GEORGE WILL SERVE AS INTERIM CEO, EXECUTIVE VICE PRESIDENT AND CFO OF MESQUITE ENERGY Source text for Eikon: Further company coverage: What are your thoughts? They were able to shed all of their debt and restructure under a new name. Stock is up like 20% over the past couple days. What typical happens in these kind of situations for the stock to continue to rise? Acquire wells? Contracts?
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