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Everything posted by SomeoneYouKnow

  1. This pitcher is getting squeezed, especially compared to last night
  2. We would give them momentum back...bases loaded no outs with 1-2-3 up. Hopefully Zubia keeps us from disaster
  3. The point is he scores before the tag is made
  4. This ECU catcher is not good defensively
  5. I'm surprised they pitched to him anywhere near the zone.
  6. MSU should not throw a strike here
  7. That was more of a foul than the one on Hamm
  8. Refs are turning it on this half
  9. This is why basketball is impossible to watch.
  10. Brando salty about the no call in our game while announcing this one
  11. Can someone please document the insanity of the refs in this game? I've turned it off at this point. I want something to send to Bowlsby and CDC tonight.
  12. Did the NBA change the rules of basketball?
  13. I mean, the fourth 'foul' was not a foul. Basketball is impossible to watch.
  14. NBA already wants an LA/LA WCF
  15. I know this is old and not unique, but refereeing is the reason I can't get into basketball fully. It is way, way worse than football or baseball.
  16. We do always seem to get screwed by the draft. This year no different...
  17. When are they expected to sign? Today? Just curious what the white Sox end up ordering Kelley.
  18. Has to be better than last year.
  19. Man, that almost sounds like a Looch article. The impersonators here are getting good.
  20. I sincerely refuse to believe that they just offered this guy 10mins before his announcement, especially at a position not CB or LB. Torbush
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