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Gordon Shumway

Burnt Ends
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About Gordon Shumway

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  1. Both of these are good, and so is About a Boy. I love Hugh Grant, Notting Hill is easily my guilty pleasure.
  2. If you liked LaLa Land watch Tik Tik Boom. I wasnt into musicals at all, but these two were great.
  3. Okay, I will be the idiot. What is the HH distillery?
  4. Anyone watching Black Dove? I'm 4 in and its really good. British spy thriller with Keira Knightley.
  5. Not to get off topic, but Ryan Leaf is the poster child for bouncing back after hitting rock bottom. He's 14 years sober, works for facilities that counsel former players on addiction issues, has a radio show, and is an advocate for former players. Pretty good interview I read a while back. Always like to see a good comeback story, I dunked on Ryan Leaf as much as anybody. https://www.golongtd.com/p/q-and-a-ryan-leaf-is-the-lighthouse
  6. Good bump, wife and I really enjoyed this. A couple seasons dragged a bit, but I think they nailed the ending it was great.
  7. Well shit, what do you like to drink? We can get you drunk enough to do it again.
  8. Love this one. You can't be good if you dont lose a couple of games midseason. Makes perfect sense.
  9. It was a Christmas miracle the kids jerseys arrived on Christmas Eve. Even though they came from the same place the color was way off. My son’s Colt looks good, but the Arch is not burnt orange. She was super excited and didn’t care too much. He was fired up. Return address in the picture below
  10. God you’re a pussy. We have 28 points and are doubling up their offense.
  11. From beautiful Lewisville, TX TEXAS!!
  12. I'll let you know if I get it.
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