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Everything posted by TexLonghorn

  1. And that Mitsubishi was just as useful in this massacre as the other vehicle was, so it has that going for it, too
  2. This press conference today is really something - Abbott boasting about all of these socialist benefits that are available to the survivors. 'Sorry the repub policies on guns killed your children, but look at all of these Democrat policy benefits that somehow fell through the cracks and are still available for y'all! You're welcome!'
  3. "YOU win a funeral service! YOU win a funeral service! YOU win a funeral service!" (and then 18 more times...)
  4. Given the timeline of how much wasn't done, they don't even qualify for Participation Awards.
  5. According to CNN: "US Marshals said in a statement they were called to the school at 11:30 a.m. and arrived about 40 minutes later from Del Rio, about 70 miles away." So even if these Del Rio Marshals were able to head out of their station the very second they were called, they would have to have gone 105 miles an hour on average for the whole trip? Faster than that if you consider the time they took to get prepared and actually get into the cars. Would that even be a possibility on that stretch of road? I've never driven from Del Rio to Uvalde, but hell, I can't even drive the full speed limit on most 70-mile trips because of some wide-load mobile home or slow truck packed with too much furniture along the way. Is this just another LEO exaggeration of how they did everything right to deflect blame?
  6. Jeesh - Haven't the poor people of Uvalde suffered enough this week? Now they have to put up with Abbott being there all the time??
  7. Do you vote republican like in Jacksonville, Florida - the "murder capital of Florida"? Since the 70's, the murder rate in Jacksonville has surpassed both that of Florida and that of the nation as a whole, and only a mere 80% of the murders in 2020 there were by firearm.
  8. I'm in my 50's and I've never owned a gun either. I entirely support gun control - to an extent that would possibly make even some other gun control advocates uncomfortable. My voting history has me being so blue that you'd swear I ate the wrong gum at Willy Wonka's chocolate factory. My first post that you reacted to was not about predicting the behavior of the shooter, it was about the sheriff disingenuously saying that there were just no signs that anything was going to happen. There objectively were signs. You aren't an 18 year old, I assume. Actions that you do as an adult would be viewed different than the same actions done by a teenager. An 18 year old buying two semi-automatic rifles should raise concern, whether it's a legal activity or not, and I would even argue that the shop that sold them should have been on alert that something unusual happened and consider reporting even that. Just like someone buying all of the ingredients to make a bomb should raise concern, even if each element is legal to buy. But my post was about the sheriff. That sheriff wants to absolve himself of any responsibility, when in my opinion, he is very much entwined in it. He, or you, or anyone, could argue that it's the state that allows such gun purchases so there's nothing he can do, but if he is voting and continuing that cabal to be in power, then he is part of the problem. I can predict that he will continue to vote the same way, because he does have a history of it, and he should be called out for shirking his responsibility in this situation of uncontrolled gun violence. We can try to solve more than one problem at a time. If gun control could be passed tomorrow, great, but I also feel these repubs in office around the state need to start being held accountable for their actions.
  9. Not 'a gun' - two semi-automatic rifles with laser sight and three days apart. Except it's not impossible, right? I mean, there are many people across the country whose entire careers are based on trying to predict human behavior. It's not 100%, it's not definite, but a lot of strong and reliable predictions can be made and a lot of crimes get prevented due to that every day. What is driving you to minimize this?
  10. I think the selling of the weapons legally to an 18 year old is the state's fault. If you saw the press conference though, how he spoke about Abbott and about the situation, I think it's pretty obvious that he votes in lockstep with the state allowing those gun sales. So he doesn't get to say 'hey, it's not my fault' when it's the approach he supports. I also think the sheriff indicating there was absolutely no sign that anything was about to happen when an 18 year old buys some $3500 worth of semi-automatic weapons within three days with ammunition and a laser sight is absolutely on him. He may feel the need to say 'no one could see this coming' so that he can sleep better at night, but the signs were obviously there. To deny that from a law enforcement officer, is utter bullshit and ass-covering.
  11. Sheriff at press conference: "On March 17th, Ramos purchased a semi-automatic rifle at a local sporting goods store. On March 18th, he purchased 375 rounds of ammunition for that rifle. On March 20th, he purchased another semi-automatic rifle at that same local store." and then: "We have YET to find a clue, whether it's social media or other indicators, that might have given us ANY TYPE OF IDEA that he was about to do something like this..." An 18-year-old buying a semi-automatic weapon in the first place should be a flag, but then he buys a SECOND one from the SAME store just three days later, and sheriff head-in-the-sand has to throw out there that no one had ANY TYPE OF IDEA that he was about to do something?! Then pats himself on the back that it was only 19 children that were killed. Hey, sheriff,
  12. A small request for the Dems to lessen the damage of the horrible policies and beliefs of the repubs? But no request for the repubs to be less evil? You do get that that’s putting the blame in the wrong place, yeah?
  13. Democrats being at fault for not being coalesced enough to overcome the truly repugnant republican policies and viewpoints is a very hot take. "Hey, our Repub policies may suck in every possible way, but it's the Dems' fault because they can't stop us from enacting our bullshit!" How about the repubs stop having such shitty America-destroying policies??
  14. How about today, Abbott? Embarrassed about anything different today, you jackass?
  15. Ironically, the first photographer also used a pile of grain, oil, and pastries to lure Don jr onto that tree stump for the 2017 photo. He looked sad because he had finished eating it all already.
  16. Now I have sympathy for his ex-wife. Probably thought she landed a pretty hot piece as long as he didn't talk, but then wedding night came along and he was all like, "Hey babe, wanna retire to the boudoir??" And then here he comes on over a'hoppin and a'humpin'...
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