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Everything posted by TexLonghorn

  1. Sorry BamaChick - didn't see you had posted some tweets about Pennsylvania and Brian Sims' reaction on the last page. The video I posted above has more of the reaction. It's fairly long, but well worth a full watch.
  2. Pennsylvania state House republicans tested positive for COVID-19 and told that info to the other republicans, but kept that info from the Democrats there for at least a week, all the while forcing meetings on passing bills on opening up Pennsylvania because it was ‘safe‘. Democratic House Representative for Pennsylvania Brian Sims reacts:
  3. *She meant you CAN even see his head twitch
  4. Early returns from how the black vote will go for trump:
  5. Some locales are really going balls out to keep their citizens safe.
  6. Devin Nunes: “We are forced to have to ballot harvest because it’s the only way to win... and I hate saying that because it’s illegal in 49 states...”
  7. 100%. I saw it, but had missed the window to edit it because I was on the phone, and thought I’d just let it slide and no one would notice. Ah, well.
  8. They did something Fox likes? Their discretion and impartiality is impeccable and beyond approach. They did something Fox doesn't like? How is this miserable partisan hack allowed to even keep their job??!
  9. trump's meltdown and run-away from a more accurate angle...
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