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Everything posted by TexLonghorn

  1. Whoever had April 2nd as the day we cross 1 million confirmed cases worldwide (officially, anyway).... Congrats - you win!
  2. trump famously said he could shoot someone on 5th Avenue and not lose any supporters: What if his (lack of) actions end up killing a LOT of people on 5th Avenue?
  3. Thinking on it, trump DID say he knew more about South Korea than anyone... maybe Google should be asking him what the Seoul population is...
  4. I will freely admit I’m not a South Korea expert, but 38 million people in the city of Seoul?!? That doesn’t come close to the Google result for their population, which is 9,904,312. Where does the “38 million” come from? Even considering every surrounding municipal area, it would come to 25 million.
  5. This just in: Fuck OANN and their stupid-ass question about abortion during this press conference.
  6. Grey-haired trump today - team that dyes his hair yellow must be sheltered in place.
  7. ................................................Trump Biden 2016 Gary Johnson voters.... 100%.... 0%
  8. From "that woman governor" in Michigan:
  9. If a syrum is a cross between a serum and a syrup, then you've got America pegged! "I need you to take this medicine." "No, thank you." "Well, then I need you to drink this syrup directly from the bottle..." "Bring it on!!"
  10. After a number of lies from the administration, and a number of tweets blaming the governors/others who need help, Trump has been a complete failure in this situation. But if anyone still thinks he hasn’t lied, or that the petty insults are just in good fun, there was a clear moment where Trump outright declared that he is a failure in leadership:
  11. Trump's suing to have this ad pulled from airing in swing states:
  12. Norway’s got their country where I wish America was, so I’ll say I’d rather be invaded by a bunch of Vikings, and I said it, and I’m sticking to it. And no, not that there’s anything wrong with that.
  13. The big networks have had enough of the daily propaganda. FOX, ABC, and CBS not even showing it, and NBC cut away while it is still going on!
  14. Um, “invisible CHINESE scourge,” if you please...
  15. In case anyone is worried that they may not have hoarded enough freaking toilet paper: Toilet Paper Calculator
  16. Deplorables. White House Pushes U.S. Officials to Criticize China For Coronavirus ‘Cover-Up’ https://www.thedailybeast.com/white-house-pushes-us-officials-to-criticize-china-for-coronavirus-cover-up?ref=scroll
  17. Holy hell, what happened to them?? Sorry - and now I can’t edit the post...
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