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Everything posted by TexLonghorn

  1. 1:04 mark - Fox & Friends telling it like it is, on the meeting with Trump and Kim: “This is history. We are living — regardless of what happens in that meeting between the two dictators, what we are seeing right now, this is history.”
  2. Well, to be fair, his argument was also that Trump wasn't doing a good job of pushing his nominees, too. You know, reduction of checks and balances AND increasing the power of the central leader.
  3. If Dems are slowing down or preventing these positions from being filled but utterly incompetent and unqualified nominees, then I wouldn't really consider that as obstruction, more like responsible job performance.
  4. [sarcasm] People just need the right training from a young age is all... [/sarcasm]
  5. Four killed, seven injured in AR-15 shooting at Waffle House in Tennessee... https://www.tennessean.com/story/news/crime/2018/04/22/antioch-waffle-house-shooting-gun-used-ar-15/540276002/ ... time to bring out the idiotic argument about a truck and see if we can distract.
  6. This sounds kinda dick-ish.
  7. Onboard, are you actually reading Brisket's posts? Or just scanning for trigger words?
  8. The best people sure are expensive. Here's the letter from Congress to EPA Embarrassment Scott Pruitt asking for some reasons as to why he's SO expensive... https://www.documentcloud.org/documents/4436623-4-12-2018-Letter-to-Pruitt.html
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