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Everything posted by TexLonghorn

  1. It's an odd avenue for the repugs to be taking - "Remember when the last repug president's term was so miserable and people were so unhappy that rioting was taking place all over the country?? Well, that hasn't been happening now under the Democrats, but it was their fault!"
  2. I mean, kids these days sure love their memories of the freaking Eisenhower years. Thanks for the story, grandpa.
  3. Remember the rethuglican red wave that the polls predicted for 2022?
  4. Well, maybe not Diamond so much any more...
  5. Just for you, @Dbeasy, maybe this one will make you think of the Beyonce version and then you'll be all sorted: I think it works that way. But then again, I'm not a licensed psychologist. Enjoy your Beyonce thoughts!
  6. No, Scotty's from the OTHER Carolina according to wiki
  7. Surely every coach gets one, right?
  8. This guy has had a tough run as head coach of Washington, but I hear he has some good baseball knowledge and has been a round baseball for much of his life. No spelling error.
  9. “Ladies and gentlemen, we have to interrupt the day-long Longhorn celebration with an important announcement.” “The new aggy baseball coach is <whoever>.”
  10. We take Schloss, Aggy takes Skip, ou takes Pierce. Welcome to SEC baseball.
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