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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by BurntOrange&White

  1. The toss outside would have got it there to the wide side of the field
  2. LMAO someone make a gif of Majors face at the camera
  3. It's crazy but I don't think they'd ever expect it and he just dives for the 1st
  4. That wing t look we run for Juan Davis to get the first down?
  5. clocks don't stop after out of bounds runs until 2 min or fewer
  6. LETS FUCKING GOOOOO! And we have some space between us and the endzone
  7. Linemen were 5 yards down field and screen was thrown beyond LOS
  8. Play was there.....Bond just didn't see the communication ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME
  9. imagine that....he hops up and walks off perfectly fine
  10. Please do not shit yourself offense, lets get some insurance points here....
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