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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by BurntOrange&White

  1. So he's a pussy that doesn't know how to escape. Got it.
  2. Defender wasn't even close to Quinn when quinn tripped over himself. GTFO here iwith this shit.
  3. It was underthrown, receiver had to slow down and made what should have been an untouched TD into a contested catch TD. If that pass is broken up then you all are bitching that it was a shitty throw.
  4. It's the wrong thread but I think ultimately that's what we will get once all the realignment stuff is done. See the BIG/SEC partnership and OOC scheduling that is being worked on.
  5. False. Cam reestablished his block but by then Quinn was already in pussy mode. AND if he was beat inside why did Quinn pussy foot the wrong direction? Just overall a giant pussy play by Quinn.
  6. Again, Cam was in front of his guy....he held up to the initial bullrush once he got planed. The guy was not a threat to sack Quinn. Quinn is just a fucking pussy on this play and stumbles on himself because perceived pressure.
  7. Cam was in front of his defender. Quinn was in no way threatened to be sacked by Cam's guy in that play.
  8. He should be ready by enrollment date. I'm not sure if he was planning on it but it puts a dent into bowl practices for him. Since he plans to play spring ball I assume he'll try and get to campus for bowl prep/practices regardless to get a jump on learning.
  9. It's quite literally the QB's job to know where pressure may be coming from, to know where blitzes may be coming from, to adjust to said pressure and blitzes. LMAO like really come on now....You're asking quinn basically to play 7on7.
  10. Quinn was not even close to being touched by that receiver. Sure Cam got bull rushed but he was between Quinn and the defender. Just a giant pussy play by Ewers because he's such a pussy he quivers at the sight of pressure. He also bailed the wrong way because he almost tripped on himself out of being a giant pussy.
  11. This play is the epitome of why Quinn is a giant pussy in the face of a little pressure. Dude stumbles over himself because he’s such a pussy
  12. It’s a statistical fact that Nick bosa generates more pressures and sacks vs black quarterbacks than white quarterbacks because he’s a racist MAGAt
  13. From the Twitter account that runs the BCS formula for rankings. Reminder that every year they predicted the same 4 playoff teams as the humans did except for last year given the weird circumstances.
  14. The referees reaction to go down to all fours to avoid the ball is elite.
  15. She's doing it because she was paid to be an endorser of Trump.
  16. So if that poll is correct and votes do the same Nebraska would be 2/2?
  17. Seeing kids doing shit like that makes me so fucking angry at their parents.
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