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Posts posted by BurntOrange&White

  1. 1 minute ago, WhatTheBuck said:

    I don't care. I'm just a neutral observer. I do find it interesting watching Texas fans who've been shitting all over Urban for the past decade twist themselves into knots convincing themselves that of course he'll be the next Texas coach and all it takes will be an offer. 

    Shut up bitch. It’s simple. We want to win. He’s the best option. 

    go fuck yourself with bob stoops dick

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  2. 10 minutes ago, A’Dam Psycho said:

    Just to add more to this shit stew, I honestly feel like Jared Wiley could be to us what Stogner is currently to OU. He might honestly be the best TE we’ve had since Blaine Irby 2008. Yet here we are playing grab ass with Cade Brewer aka Geoff Swaim  2.0. Why don’t we use our big body tall TEs the way OU used Calcaterra, Andrews, Stogner, etc? 

    Geoff Swaim, drafted to the nfl and still on a roster swaim? 

    probably not the best guy to compare him to 

  3. 5 minutes ago, Hozz said:

    I agree with you but I think just given all the other circumstances, if it was going to happen before then it would have already happened.  Bye week, Baylor up next likely getting post-poned, perfect time to shit can him and name an interim while you work out the details with you know who.  Didn't happen though.  So just going with the simplest explanation I'd guess you know who isn't interested or the money for all of it just isn't there right now.

    We have another bye after WVU. So we have 3 weeks to handle it behind the scenes and get it done. We will likely be 1-2 after those 3 games or 0-2 depending. Could even be 0-3. 

    After the WVU game that gives a guy a month. 

  4. I wonder why Alabama or Ole Miss players aren’t protesting more against there school given the US government had to step in and aid without states help desegregation of their schools? This was only 55-60 years ago not over a hundred. 

    I just can’t believe their players aren’t more woke and standing up for what is wrong in their school history?




  5. 13 minutes ago, bad_teammate said:

    Even the worst player on the UT football team has roughly 1000x more relevance than you do. Keep that in mind while you make grand declaratory statements about "OUR" university and lay out the rules for how it works. You don't matter.

    And you're not even at the table.

    You're in a tragically pathetic position of hoping powerful rich white men will punish these black guys for you because you're powerless and invisible. Just embarrassing stuff.

    You know who has more relevance than anyone? The millionaire and billionaire donors 

  6. Bucky going in on Herman this morning. 

    saying basically the eyes shouldn’t be an issue and you don’t see it at any other campus. Basically Saban would tell his players what they’re going to do in regards to things like that. 

    Also said he’s wishy washy and weak minded. Doesn’t make the tough decisions he should. And that the head coach at a school at Texas has more power than the AD. 

    Thin skinned and doesn’t hold his players accountable. 

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  7. 34 minutes ago, TwiceHorn said:

    He makes some good points and has some interesting observations.  But he doesn't really offer a solution.  And he doesn't change the analysis from:

    We have a shitty program and culture because Mack lost the thread, the culture went to shit, and we made two bad hires.

    The culture sucks because we've had 10 years of shit coaching.  Period.

    The programs he talks about as having winning cultures have winning coaches and have had winning coaches for an extended period of time.

    I think the solution is obvious. Fire Tom Herman now. 

    • Hook 'Em 2
  8. 2 minutes ago, RollLeft said:

    He's a hustler and i'm certain he has a few mil in the bank but after hearing that number above tossed around a few months back i'd bet dollars to donuts it is less than a fifth of that.  He strikes me as a fake it til you make it type.    

    You should do research before spilling dumb shit from your fingertips. 

  9. 3 minutes ago, Spankytoes said:

    Understood. I’m saying the optics of buying out a coach for losing 4 games and winning a lower tier bowl instead of using funds to pay administrative staff to save $13.1 million.


    I’m guessing you missed the article that says Tom and Shaka took deferrals, not  cuts. 

    fuck both of them fire them both a they’re  both lame duck coaches 


    using covid as an excuse is a cop out 

    • Hook 'Em 1
  10. 19 minutes ago, deft said:

    Pretty sure I saw parisa at schotts market, hwy 16 just west of 1604. About 10 minutes from the house so I’ll try to check it out again soon. Not Medina county.

    Yeah they have it. I pick it up at least once a month. I want to drive out to Castroville and try theirs to compare. 

    Schotts is a badass meat market btw. We live pretty close to one another by the sound of it as well. 

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