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Walden Ponderer

Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Walden Ponderer

  1. She may not have done anything criminal, but that's not the same thing as never having done anything unethical. Granted, by that standard, 99% of the political class should be behind bars. But Hillary Clinton's embrace of corporate donor money is just about as disgusting as it can get, and no clean legal bill of health can change its stench.
  2. Relax, snowflake. Though I will point out that some historians have cast doubt on Crispus Atticks being the first person injured at the Boston Massacre, because some people don't never wanna give a brother no respect.
  3. My Facebook feed has a lot of memories for this date six years ago; see, in the aftermath of Obergefell v. Hodges, the Ponderer crew packed up and headed to Austin to assist with wedding overflow. We met fellow activists in one of the Judge's quarters down at the Travis County courthouse, and I should have known the whole event would be coordinated by Glenn Maxey. If you've never met Glenn, you're missing out. Texan through and through, and gayer than a $3 bill. Funniest person I think I've ever met. Anyway, we shepherded around people (including an awful lot of olds, who were dying for their lifetime partnerships to be legalized before they snuffed it) and even escorted folk down to the Capitol grounds, which seemed like an auspicious place for their no-planning-involved vows to be exchanged. A lot of good memories there. Anyway, the Facebook memories got me curious about long term effects of the decision. There are several retrospectives, but I'll just share from the easiest to quote, even though it's a year old now: The Economic Impact of Marriage Equality Five Years After Obergefell v. Hodges The immediate impact on economic impact is too pat, I think. There's lots of secondary impacts related to additional economic stability afforded by committed relationships. And there has undoubtedly also been a boost to mental health that means a negative economic impact has been lessened. Always hard to judge that sort of thing. But anyway, love has been love has been love for six years now. My how time flies. I can't wait to see this sort of retrospective on pot legalization.
  4. Only problem I can see is that there's leftovers. Was somebody sick?
  5. Still getting used to my new schedule. First tomato ripened yesterday; in College Station, tomatoes were usually all crapped out by July, here they're just getting started. And I've grown the biggest, tastiest jalapeños of my life here in Carolina. Not doing anything special, just prepped the soil with plenty of chicken poop, like I've always done. Pumpkins should be picture-worthy soon. First blooms started up. If I can keep the damned deer away, we may be on to something. Might even make pumpkins a cash crop.
  6. Damned straight. Just lazy, if you ask me. I've seen the proof that if you can divide by zero, you can prove 1=2, and to my mind that is a long overdue opening up of mathematical possibilities. Just because they wouldn't know how to grade midterms under such a scenario is no excuse for lazy math-ing.
  7. I'm gonna just stop you right there. He can ALWAYS sink lower. It is quite literally the only thing he is any good at.
  8. I would love for him to say this, because you just know that within an hour of him saying so, one of them would collapse.
  9. Well, there's a pretty decent chance that if the committee does their work, he will, so there's that. And don't think Liz Cheney et al. isn't/aren't calculating those odds.
  10. The Eddy is my favorite pub. Views over the Haw river at sunset make anything taste good. This bologna sandwich doesn't really need the help, though.
  11. So I go Googling for a joke, and find out that "Sundial Snails" are a real thing. Live and learn. I present, Leon's spirit animal:
  12. You're on the right track, but I was thinking more along the lines of calendars.
  13. I want to see NC get "ungerrymandered". The Triangle plus Asheville outnumbers everybody else; it ought to be reflected in the leg. Managing to elect a non-right wing nutso for Senate in 2022 would be a good start. Roy Cooper is a good guy, but one good guy -- even if he's the governor -- can't hold back the tide of crazy without some help.
  14. As a bipolar, I gotta say, college football is one profession bipolars need to steer the fuck clear of -- sleep deprivation is a job requirement for a coach, but it's a death sentence for a bipolar, good meds or no.
  15. I'd say the odds are pretty good, yes. Pending GOTV efforts, of course, because overcoming voter suppression is the entire name of the game in that race.
  16. So, qualifications? Played real gud futbawl, and has Dissociative Identity Disorder. Sounds about perfect to be a Senator from an SEC state.
  17. She should for damned sure veto anybody who voted against the bipartisan committee proposal. If they aren't invested in the idea to start with, then fuck right off.
  18. We had to pull our cat away from this critter. Turns out, peacocks frequently kill cats when the encounters get too close. Was still cool to watch, though (apologies for my wife's vertical camera holding -- wives are extremely fickle to train): video-1624912405.mp4
  19. As a beekeeper, I gotta say, I'm jealous. That was an awesome find, and I don't work bees nearly as smoothly as she does, and I sure as hell wish I did.
  20. I'm only making popcorn for this deal if Liz Cheney is on the committee.
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