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Walden Ponderer

Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Walden Ponderer

  1. The most insulting part about all of this is that America has been attacked from within, not by an evil genius, but by a big, fat, stupid putz. Public enemy number one is one of the least competent people in history. And we are so stupid collectively as a country that he almost took us down (knock on wood, because he still might, if we're not vigilant).
  2. But what if I like Eurotrash...?
  3. I don't care if it was put in print by FCB, I'm glad I read to the end of that piece. RIP Jake.
  4. At the expense of people like AOC? No. But at the expense of people like McCarthy? Fucking yes, all day, every day. I would much rather the people who are voting against ideas I approve of be honest and pro-democracy. The Republican party needs to be more like Cheney and less like the slimy miscreants they currently are. I still won't vote for them, but I would be more at ease about our future if they were simply wrong on policy, and not on... you know... the things this country was founded on.
  5. Actually, no. Erdogan, unlike Trump, services his underlings and pays his bills. Yes, he's a cretin, but he's very much like a mafia don who knows how to keep his people happy. If Trump were 10% as competent as Erdogan, this country would be fucked forever, because he would have been able to finagle an election "win" from loyal underlings.
  6. My wife's parents are both narcissists, with violent anti-social tendencies. (Guess who they voted for?) Anyway... I can answer anecdotally: narcissists will dangle legacy-oriented carrots in front of whichever of their children are the most subservient and fawning. There will always be a "golden child" but even that person is subject to the mercurial moods of the narcissist, and is liable to be punished for any moves they make to individuate themselves. It is all about the legacy of the narcissist, and anything that does not feed that must be crushed.
  7. Open question whether Hawley is smart enough to know this. Cruz, however, has been a cynical weathervane for long enough to know this. I doubt he even puts his toe in the water until he knows whether Trump is running or not.
  8. I was in 8th grade in 1980, and supported Ronald Reagan for president. I also planned on going to Texas A&M, just like my big brother. Two things irrevocably changed my mind: 1) I joined speech and debate, and had to learn enough about economics to reasonably argue all sides of a question, and 2) I visited College Station and got to witness aggy culture first hand. The first taught me the meaning of "real interest rates" which Reagan lied through his teeth about (though to be fair, Liberal politicians are guilty of the same sort of chicanery, they are just, from my observation, less in need of doing so owing to not being wrong on the facts so fucking much), and the second taught me that any group touting as its primary draw "tradition" is probably off their rockers and rife with teh stoopid.
  9. I'm the one who added the "if he's still alive" caveat, because I don't believe he will be. Interesting question. His support will fizzle to irrelevant in national election terms if he's dead, but what that will look like will be something unusual, simply because his cult is so bat-shit, bug-fucking insane. 10-15 million people worshipping the wax icon sounds about right.
  10. Actually, an interesting question: are there any event promoters in the country that he hasn't stiffed yet?
  11. Same here. I'm sensing a trend: only Republicans are dumb enough to sign away their lives to Chase Mortgage? Nah. Just selection bias. Mortgages suck equally, regardless of your political affiliation, and Charlie Kirk is just a dumbass.
  12. If he's still alive, there won't be an opening. I still don't believe there's much chance he'll still be alive in 2024, though. If he doesn't stroke out owing to being a fat tub of goo, he may come down with the radioactive Russian flu. You've got to believe at some point, Putin won't see any more use in his asset, and will terminate it.
  13. Every last one of them is the sharpest spoon in the drawer.
  14. Who are you kidding? They roll in the trough even though he's rude as fuck. 27 fried chickens, and a diet coke.
  15. Oh, that's their plan, no question. It'll work about as well as any of their other plans.
  16. How thick can you get? Infrastructure breaks cause a gasoline shortage, so let's blame the guy who wants us to fix our infrastructure. Stupid beyond belief.
  17. Yep. Any other conclusion is misreading the situation entirely. Republicans have enough statehouses and judges at the moment that there is room to be nervous, but ultimately, this is likely to be nothing more than them collectively peeing into their own coffee urns. I'm pretty sure that 3rd party is going to launch, and the end result of it is going to be the Trump-led GOP being stuck with a half dozen governorships and state houses, and a blue... wave isn't the right word. More like seeping, ooze everywhere else. Not progressive Democrats, just... non-Republicans everywhere other than Florida, Ohio, Oklahoma and a scattering of other crazy places.
  18. If he actually followed the rules, he wouldn't have made money at being President, either. Lucky thing for him, nobody enforces those rules anymore (if they ever actually did -- nobody has tested the limits of campaign finance regulations like 45, though).
  19. Well, yeah, sure, but Bugs actually looks good in a dress. Tucker would still just look like a doofus.
  20. I just don't understand the psychology of intentionally remaining a dorky chode. He is intelligent enough to choose something different, but no, day after day we get the same dorky choditude. I mean, WTF, dude?
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