The craziest part, to me at least, of all this white supremacist nonsense (both the overt kind, and the GQP variety that at least pretends to be about political structure, even if it's really just paranoid ranting) is that if you were to take their fears at face value, and just assume that whites are being replaced, and WASP culture is in imminent danger...
So? Putting WASPs in charge of trying to resuscitate WASP culture isn't gonna work anyway. Maybe prolong the death throes for a few more years, but face it, man, the WASP economy can't support the WASP welfare that the GQP is hoping for. Assimilate with brown folk, or die. Those are the choices. And if you choose "die" then you're just as stupid as you are evil.
Now if you'll excuse me, my Los Lobos CD is skipping a groove because it's got a scratch on it from the clutching fingers of a right winger trying to get me to turn off that brown noise...