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Walden Ponderer

Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Walden Ponderer

  1. As an organic gardener, I have to tell you, a sack of chicken shit is worth ***WAY*** more than Ted Cruz.
  2. I get completely depressed when Liberals mistakenly speak about evolution as some sort of linear progress. We have clearly reached the limits of intelligence as an adaptive characteristic; we are now well into cultural self-immolation, and Josh Hawley is the poster child.
  3. You wanting this to be a mistrial before it even starts...?!?!
  4. There's a strong strain of anti-intellectualism in a lot of fundamentalist sects, so it isn't surprising. Small-box Church of Christ congregations almost never have a pastor who has ever even cracked open a Q'uran or the Upanishads, and only a smattering of them could even tell you who Reinhold Niebuhr was, let alone be conversant in his theological musings. It boggles my mind that anyone would take advice from someone without credentials on any important subject, let alone a subject which is supposedly your rule and measure for all things "being human", but there you go.
  5. Not foolin' me. That's not Kurt Cobain, it's Owen Wilson.
  6. At some point in the next six months, I expect a couple of high profile defections from the GOP. Ms. Alaskan Sourpuss is a good candidate, obviously, but there are others. Riding the hate-fueled caravan to hell is making less and less sense even for the most cynical, and being in the GOP is requiring a higher and higher degree of mental illness. At some point, a few "norms" will shake loose from the nut tree.
  7. There's a lot of people who have died of COVID who deserved no such fate. But there's also this guy.
  8. I remember the first time I heard a description of this new "reality TV" show, "Survivor". I said at the time: One "reality TV" star as president later, lookee here what we got. Fuck all y'all who added to the Nielsen ratings of the medium that lobotomized democracy.
  9. When I think about Trump voters, only one flag comes to mind:
  10. Okay, I'm on new meds, the depression is under control, and this video puts it over the top. I'll go ahead and get more excited than is reasonable, and let my expectations go through the roof irrationally. Show me a fucking loss.
  11. Is it just me, or does anyone else immediately reach for the Clorox wipes any time a politician talks about family values?
  12. 2nd Pfizer tomorrow. The first one was at the Orange County Speedway; I've been upgraded from NASCAR nation, though. Tomorrow, I get the 2nd dose at a senior center. I'm only 53, but I can yell at clouds with the best of 'em, so I'm hoping to blend in.
  13. Remember, first they laugh at you.... ....then, they laugh at you some more, because you are a dumbass.
  14. I work for a kinda touchy-feelie industry anyway, but we have a "Socially Impactful Investments" strategy for our portfolio. Reinvestment has to have a socially impactful footprint before we'll expand, even on non-socially impactful initiatives. Not a lot of practical difference between that and what we would do anyway, but it sounds good and makes some people sleep better at night, plus it pisses off Trumpkins, so I call it a silly win.
  15. Evidently, it's offensive to call a racist a racist. Murica.
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