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Walden Ponderer

Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Walden Ponderer

  1. Today, they are the biggest assholes since the Confederacy, but their grasp of knowledge is no worse than it was when Barry Goldwater went scorched Earth way back when.
  2. Trump eats dinosaurs. Well done, with margarine and ketchup.
  3. I'm just amused that the bunch who dreamt up the notion of "fake news" has the lack of self-awareness to complain about "cancel culture" -- cancellation is a real thing, but it's also universal. This isn't a "both sides" argument, either. It's a slam on dogmatism generally, and you can be a fundamentalist anything. If you are, your odds of being wrong increase exponentially.
  4. Not according to SCOTUS. In a decision that made Dred Scott sound reasonable, they call it a veggie.
  5. A three phase dildo? Sounds like a home wrecker to me. Sounds like the opening act for 2 Nice Girls.
  6. I'm actually kinda wondering, the heaters were 220v; any way to convert that into outlets for 120v usage? The 60 amp breaker kinda throws me because I know most 120v outlets run through a single pole 30 amp outlet. Are there any 120 plugs with a way to trip at the kind of overage you'd get with the 30 amp breaker?
  7. Mostly mud. Nothing complicated. The outside will just look like woven sticks.
  8. I'm going to cheat a little withe the hugulkultur berms this year -- in addition to silt sludge from our pond, with lotes of fingerling fertilizer, I'm goin to go ahead and hal in about a to of compost. Shortcut, yes, bur I can afford it so why not?
  9. Beautiful. We're going the opposite direction thisvspring -- wattle and daub. Hope our rustic English country look comes out half as well as your sturdy Texas ranchhouse look did.
  10. Just to get the county to let us turn electricity back on in the old farmhouse we bought at foreclosure auction, we had to install floorboard heaters in four rooms. They work like a charm, only now it turns out, we only needed two of them.. I handled every part of the install myself except for adding a new bar in the breaker box for four new two pole 60 amp breakers, because I'm crazy, but not stupid. Now, I've uninstalled the two heaters I don't need, and am wondering what I can do with the other lines? They are currently capped off and locked so chances of accidents are minimal, but... I went through an awful lot of trouble to run 10-2 wire on 60 amp breakers to two bedrooms where they aren't being used. What else would they be good for?
  11. Tears of joy and relief tonight. FMLA and short term disability insurance approved. I'm damned good at my job when I'm sane, but the med cocktail that's been working for three years finally gave out under the combined strain of all the stresses of 2020. I won't cloak room it for you, or I'd likely trigger every damned reader in this room. I will say, in the spirit of unity, GHW Bush pushed through the single most impactful piece of mental health legislation ever to impact our family, so I can forgive him for a half dozen banana republic fuck ups from his days at CIA in the 70s. On a day like today, we can all raise a Clonazepam to the President who quite probably saved my family this winter.. God bless you, you randy old bastard.
  12. You knew Leach wasn't involved, though, from thw lack of cutlasses, eye-patches, and parrota.
  13. I need to start teaching my kids Chinese. It was always likely, but the persistence of the stupid, evil fucks defending Trump, Q, MAGAism, etc. virtually guarantee our ChCom overlords are taking over without firing a shot any day now. Occupation by lease agreement and bad debt buy-offs.
  14. Chickens are just like women: the breasts are the best part, and they all start cackling and waddling up when you scatter feed for 'em.
  15. We took a family vacation to DC in November, 2019, to spend a few days in the Smithsonian, and we got to town right at the tail end of the World Series celebration parade. The energy on the mall was pretty wild -- there were a handful of NRA/ MAGA types huddled over by the Grant statue (pretty sure Grant would not have approved), and the Ecuadorian elite were set up in the hundreds at the other end of the mall (what Lincoln might have made of a bunch of rich ladrones from South America chanting "Evo, pendejo!" is anyone's guess) and in between were hundreds of thousands of black and hispanic Washingtonians feeling tremendous civic pride, and blaring as many speakers as they could in the direction of the White House, the dayglo resident of which was in Florida, at the time, for some odd reason. Yeah, I would expect the Nats to do the right thing. Hell, Eugene Goodman throwing out the first pitch at some point is a virtual certainty.
  16. Clearly Jenna is not Bipolar, which is the BPD I was under the impression was being discussed. I tend to avoid internet mental health jargon because as a bipolar with a lot of people depending on me, I consider it a moral imperative to listen to my fucking doctor, take the goddamned meds, and ignore the everloving shit out of social media experts on the subject. Just from a brief perusal of DSM criteria for Borderline, I could see it, maybe, but don't really care. Whether you have mental health issues or not is just an interesting trivia question when the fundamental problem is that you are a goddamned traitor to your country.
  17. Yes, well, not quite as good as my other favorite votive for an MD, but they are very nice.
  18. I'm just gonna take a stab in the dark here and guess that even if they're votives, you still insist on burning them at both ends.
  19. I only speak up because of the stigma, actually. She's nuttier than a squirrel's attic, so by all means. Yes, she needs meds, but on them, she would simply be a calm, more in control total psycho. Just ask her estranged brother.
  20. I have BPD, and in the middle of an episode, on the wrong (or no) meds, the answer in my experience is "no". Can't speak for the narcissism, though. I'm not sure there are any functional treatments other than total isolation for that particular malady.
  21. How about "Fuck you, Kevin McCarthy, I'm not gonna take the blame for all the shit you and your dayglo shitgibbon overlord did"? Does that cover it?
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