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Walden Ponderer

Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Walden Ponderer

  1. The best part about this is that the main road running into Easterwood is "Turkey Creek".
  2. Octopuses Observed Punching Fish, Perhaps Out of Spite, Scientists Say Evidently, there's some partnership behavior going on with octo-fish-slapping under ordinary circumstances, but the researchers note:
  3. The "Donald J. Trump Memorial Microbial Aeration Pond" has a nice ring to it.
  4. I'd have to see her from behind to know whether or not you're right.
  5. No, I haven't, but I saw that at an old gas station on the Blue Ridge Parkway a few months ago. Weirded me out, to be honest. But hey, at least they were drinking Coke instead of Pepsi.
  6. Oh, I don't know. I hope they still exist. In a museum. With Pop Rocks and Astronaut Ice Cream in the gift shop.
  7. I'm intrigued by your edit and would like to subscribe to your revised newsletter.
  8. Brisket does not need sauce. Every good Texan knows this. It is a basic fact of life. You can dab a little on the edges if you'd like, or, if you're putting it on a sandwich, you have a little more leeway, though, of course, not much. But the basic fact is, the meat speaks for itself. If it doesn't, it's not good barbecue. In North Carolina, just finding a place that sells brisket to start with is a chore, so when you find a place like the Village Wayside Bar & Grille in Asheville that is actually run by a Texan, you think to yourself, holy hell, they just might do it right. And then, you read the menu, and see that they only have one brisket offering. A sandwich. With a Cheerwine based sauce on it. That's a cherry soda, for y'all non-Southerners. Thing is, it's actually a damned good sandwich. In spite of its heretical sauciness. There's other bastardizations that seem to work -- Dr. Pepper is a pretty good marinade for stir fried chicken for example. Hmm... I'm sensing a carbonated beverage theme. Anyway... what's your food combination or change-to-the-plan that in spite of violating God given food rules seems to work anyway?
  9. So, evidently a ghost peed in your cheerios at some point. Geez, dude.
  10. Это то, во что власти хотят, чтобы вы верили.
  11. What do you expect from someone who looses their marbles?
  12. Um, no. "Brilliant" implies that you are NOT trapped in your own ideology. FDR did all sorts of shit his dad would have been extremely disappointed by, simply because what he was doing wasn't working, and he was smart enough to say so. Hoover was a dumbass.
  13. Just wait 'til you get the bill for the caviar you apparently just ordered without knowing it.
  14. I love the translation from English-to-Russian-to-English of Gone With the Wind (my wife took three years of Russian at UT, and bought this translation on a whim): "I am most apologetic, Miss Scarlet. I know nothing of midwifery."
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