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Walden Ponderer

Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Walden Ponderer

  1. I often think about the fact that Herbert Hoover had allies in Congress. I mean, Herbert Fucking Hoover. The single dumbest motherfucker on the planet, whose goddamned country was literally starving to death while he said, "Oh, well." Conservatives are worthless. Absolutely fucking worthless. In every possible way.
  2. No shit. If you put your head any further in the sand, you can see China from your house. What the fuck is it gonna take to admit that Vladimir Putin has been our president for the last four fucking years?
  3. Translation: the cowardly titty-babies need to wait until after they are sure the Trumpkins can't blame them for not backing their titty-baby leader. I have no idea how long he's expecting to have to wait, but, uh... Trumpkins aren't going to forgive you for speaking truth, pretty much ever. Jesus, are Republicans a fucking cancer.
  4. Comrade Miller aiming for another Kremlin bonus check, eh?
  5. No. Fucking. Shit. This is it in a nutshell. I don't want to hear a goddamned thing about your rights until you are willing to tell the rest of us about your responsibilities.
  6. I've been thinking a lot lately about the fundamental problem with "Make America Great Again". It's not so much that there's anything wrong with that slogan, it's that it misses out entirely on what actually did make America great during the times when it was. America is only great when Americans are great. You want to make America great? Start with yourself. We're only good when we seek to improve. It's as simple as that. And right now, Conservatism is all about "Don't tell me what I'm supposed to do!" Well, newsflash: that's the slogan of people who will never be great.
  7. Really raises the interesting question: Does Russia now have the upper hand because they own Donald Trump? Or simply because he's such a fucking moron?
  8. Until he starts smoking bear or caribou, they won't care.
  9. I remember the days when we stupidly thought that we had won the Cold War. You 'member? I 'member.
  10. She's also actually rich, and he's not. No, she's auditioning to be Satan's executive assistant.
  11. So, my wife is into all kinds of hoodoo. Loves ghost stories, and believes way too many of them. But she also has an affinity for collecting the really bad, obviously stupidity-induced variety, too. A few exemplars: I'm sorry, Billy, you're going to have to be more specific. What color hat was he wearing? Anyway, share 'em if you've got 'em.
  12. I prefer the Barkin, personally. Wait, what was the question?
  13. Well, maybe as a book character. Because it makes for a good plot device to have Satan as your president.
  14. My wife is not exactly fluent, but she did take several years of Russian and still watches a lot of Russian movies, and she says that while it's obviously a joke, it is, in fact, a fairly well done one, because even the words that don't line up are at least mostly phonetically similar.
  15. Maybe this will be the Constitutional education Donald J. Trump needs. Maybe this will be his Road to Damascus moment.... Maybe... Oh, wait.
  16. For a couple of years there, I tried to equivocate between him and Andrew Jackson. But... yeah, no. Worst ever, and #2 is not even in the same fucking quartile. He has set the bar so fucking low, they serve bat soup where it is, because it's on the other side of the fucking globe.
  17. I understand where you're coming from. But the pussy-assed no-response response has always been the worst response to crazy bullies.
  18. I'm not finding it on the Googles. Where'd you come by it? I mean, it certainly looks legit, but are they not talking about it? NVM. Forbes' article on it is now on my feed.
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