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Walden Ponderer

Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Walden Ponderer

  1. Is it okay if your degree still has the thrift store price tag on it?
  2. Any of you lawdogs ever try a case in front of Judge Alcala? She was captain of the King High debate team when I was a freshman, so I've been getting to watch her Facebook feed this whole time, and it's been interesting to hear a Bush appointee's take on the federal courts throughout the last month. I have been impressed by the number of conservative jurists on her feed who, on strictly political topics, sound like Trumpists but who then pivot on legal issues into, you know... grownups. I'm sure it's not a universal phenomenon, of course, but it helps me sleep at night.
  3. To be fair, if Ma Ferguson had had a penis and a Twitter account, she'd have been as bad as Trump, so it's not like all of this is brand new in its level of stupidity. It's just in a shiny new package, hooked up to an amplifier.
  4. You could certainly do with a better nightclub district, though, because man, are those Gondorian parties dull.
  5. The electoral college is voting on Monday, which means if they haven't commented by Monday, they are likely going to include a "That ship has sailed" comment in their release.
  6. Man, fuck Valley High football. Wait... which valley?
  7. Oh, it exploded all right. It's just encased in titanium, is all.
  8. I haven't seen it mentioned anywhere, what's the part of California that is now "New California State"? Is it Bakersfield? Because I bet they'd let Bakersfield secede without a fight.
  9. Republicans have been coddling this lunacy for decades. Republic of Texas, anyone? Yeah... play stupid games, win stupid prizes.
  10. Ego and Superego walk into a bar and order a couple of pints. Bartender says "I'm going to need to see some Id." <I'll see myself out...>
  11. What the left has constantly underestimated / disavowed to their great sorry and perturbation is that there is no such thing as a "rational voter". All votes -- Every Last Damned One -- are emotional. And you've got to market accordingly. Defunding the police is actually one of the greatest single policy wonk positions there is, based on how resources need to be reallocated to social services, but it's a loser politically precisely because it shouldn't be "Defund the Police". It should be "Help the police! Pay more for MHMR!"
  12. If there were an affordable plot of arable land bigger than a postage stamp in NYC, I'd move there in a heartbeat to find out.
  13. Trump campaign is about as likely to pay those bills as he has ever been to pay any bills at all. There's a reason every enterprise he undertakes eventually goes bankrupt -- you can only get people to extend credit so many times before they finally tell you to piss up a rope.
  14. This is where I sit with my prediction -- a clear legal rebuff that lawyers everywhere will know is a "don't do this shit again" statement, but with nothing that will be red meat for the zombie hordes.
  15. Six. One died of COVID yesterday. Somebody opened the fuckin' box.
  16. Rewatch Rhett explaining pre-war why Scarlett's dear beaus are all headed off on a fool's errand. Ignoring facts is a long standing secessionist tradition. The South was doomed from the beginning, and no amount of Northern incompetence (of which there was plenty) could change the outcome.
  17. In related news, the level of credit card debt for Baptist ministers is due to make a long needed decline. Unless hookers start accepting credit cards...
  18. Just in case y'all are curious, there's a shitload of states and territories who've signed on to the District of Columbia's amici curiae filing. I am pleased as can be that North Carolina is among the states loyal to the United States Constitution. D.C. and 22 states and territories' filing of amici curiae
  19. I'm not a psychic, but I play one on TV. He'll be lying in state in the capitol rotunda in 2021. A larger percentage of the rotunda than any prior president. Because his ass is YUUUGE.
  20. If they have any balls, they'll do it in about five minutes. So, either tomorrow or Monday.
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